Chapter 62

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"I have to admit Derek...I'm rather surprised you are asking for my help on this..." Addison told Derek as the door shut to Meredith's hospital room. It was well past dinner time and the hallway was empty of most visitors and patients. Only a few lingering doctors and nurses remained. He could see Ava chatting non-stop to Meredith from the tiny window above the door and he stepped away from it so Meredith wouldn't see him.

Taking Derek's lead, Addison stepped away also. "I don't know who else to ask...things like this aren't really my yes, decorating? No." He looked nervous as he shifted his eyes back and fourth doubting his idea.

Addison didn't say anything right away. She was too amazed that he was actually admitting he couldn't do something. "It's probably a stupid idea, I'll figure something else out.." He replied in a defeated way causing Addison to smile.

"No, I think it's a great idea. She'll really like it. She's been worrying for awhile that the room wasn't done."

He seemed relieved, and he sighed and leaned against the wall. "So you'll help me? I don't have time to do it myself...the painting and all that....not to mention...I don't even know where to begin." Pursing her lips into a tight line she stared at him for a minute, thinking about it in her head before she answered.

"Of course. It can be my thank you for letting us build a house next door..."

"Hmm...yeah I never thought I'd have my ex-wife as a neighbor."

"Did um...he show you the plans?" She asked somewhat nervous knowing Derek would hate them.

"Who Mark?"

"No, my boyfriend. Yes Mark. They were just finalized."

"No he didn't. Why? Should I be worried?"

"Oh no..." She lied, and smoothed out her skirt to avoid looking at him.

"It's just a house you know...a nice...contemporary style house.."

"Oh god..." He groaned in response and used his fingers to massage his temples. "I know that look Addison...."

"It's not a's a nice house!"

"Just like the Hamptons was a nice house?"

"You loved that house..."

"I hated that house." He argued, and they both stared each other down before they both looked away effectively ending a possible fight before it could happen.

"Anyway, I can call the decorator I used for the apartment. She's great, she'll work with anything you want."

"A decorator? I don't know...Meredith won't want anything extravagant.." He thought out loud knowing Addison's taste in decorating was nothing like Meredith's.

"Trust me Derek, she's the best. If you don't want extravagant it won't have to be. Best of all, you wont have to lift a finger in regards to the actual room...which gives you more time to spend here." She was selling the decorator as best she could, suddenly excited over the task at hand. Kids rooms were always fun to do and she was already thinking of ways she could secretly get Meredith's ideal nursery out of her without her getting suspicious.

Derek shifted so that he was standing and moved so he could see into the room. Addison followed his gaze to Ava, who was still lounging in Meredith's bed in her dark pink fairy costume. She loved the girl as if she were her own and hoped that the addition of two siblings would bring out the best instead of the worst in her. She knew Peyton would adjust to their new baby, she was too young to know the difference...but Ava had 4 years alone. Being the center of her parents world was going to change dramatically and she wasn't sure how that would affect the little girl.

"Thank you so much for helping me...I had no idea what to get her for Christmas. I should have thought of it sooner." Addison was deep in thought again and he waved his hand in front of her face wondering why she had zoned out.

"Sorry." She replied, snapping out of it. "Speaking of Christmas....I just figured out what I'm getting Ava." He rolled his eyes in mock frustration.

"Oh god...if you show up with a pony I'm evicting you..."

"Idiot." She mumbled under her breath. "I want to have her room redone." Derek stared at her like she was nuts for a second but she slapped him on the arm not too lightly, and his face shifted to confused.

"She has a room...a very pink room that took me weeks to paint.."

"Please, Alex did all the and Mark were watching the game the whole time."

"We were not!" He tried to argue, but knew it was the truth.

"It doesn't even matter now. She's older...I think it'll be a nice treat for her to have a big girl room."

"Don't you think it's going a little overboard though?" Once he said it, he realized he was one to talk...considering he wanted to buy a 5,000 working house for her. He got a funny feeling Addison already knew that just by the arched eyebrow she shot at him.

"I know you and Meredith have a lot to worry about...I don't want you worried over this too...but...who knows how Ava will take the babies getting all the attention. Some kids react well, and others are changed forever. Don't you think she'll feel left out when they get a brand new room and hers stays the same?" Derek bit the inside of his cheek and looked into the room once again.

"Oh...I hadn't even thought of it that way.." Ava was good with kids, she was great with Peyton. But, Peyton didn't live with them. The baby didn't demand all their attention 24/7. His mind was spinning wondering how he was going to balance it all.

"Don't freak out Derek."

"I'm not.." He lied.

"You are. I'm not saying it to worry you. I just think it would be something special for her. Maybe she'll feel more a part of it that way. Not to mention, designing her room will be fun for me." He looked over at Addison's reassuring smile and then back at his daughter who was waving to him from the bed. He couldn't say no, she deserved something special. He nodded his approval to Addison and she let out an uncharacteristic squeal and almost bounced away.

Normally, he'd be shocked at that, but he was too busy planning all the ways he could spending extra time with Ava before the babies came.

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