Chapter 85

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"How did that go?" Mark asked his wife, almost 30 minutes later as Addison walked into the family room. The table had been cleared and the three adults had moved into the family room.

" went..." She trailed off, bypassing the spot Mark was patting and moving to sit next to Meredith on the sofa. Meredith widened her eyes and turned so she could face Addison. It left Derek, who was beside her, craning his neck to see his ex-wife.

"How is she?"

"She's....asleep. Actually, sound asleep."

"Asleep?" Asked Derek in shock. "How did you manage that? It's only 7:00"

"I didn't. When I got up there she was already in her bed under her covers. We talked a little...and then I realized I was talking to myself because she was dead out."

Shaking her head, Meredith let out a sigh. "She's just not herself. She's never done that before. We have a whole routine for bedtime...she won't even go near her room unless Derek is there to tuck her in." Derek couldn't see the frown on her face, but he could sense it by the tone in her voice and put a comforting hand on her thigh.

"She's exhausted Meredith. She hasn't had a solid night's sleep in...well, I don't even know...a week?"

"It's going to take awhile for you all to adjust. I'm sure it will be fine once the babies are home and settled." Addison told her, offering a comforting smile. She didn't know first hand what it was like, but she would soon, once her own baby was born. With that thought in mind, she brought a hand to her stomach and darted her eyes around the room in search of her daughter, who she found hiding behind Mark's legs.

"What if she's not fine? I just feel like a terrible mother. She's clearly not okay with any of this...and yet there's nothing I can do about it." Ava had been so excited for her sisters' arrival, that it was easy for Meredith to shake off any worries of how the girl would adjust.

"Don't get yourself all worked up over this..." Derek responded in an even tone. Even though, it was a silly thing to say because he was just as worried. "She's only four, she can get used to this. Now that you're home and we can get back into our old routine things will get better." He told her, hoping that was the case. He felt the need, once again, to be optimistic and strong for Meredith, because having them both openly worried would do no good.

Mark who had remained silent the entire time, spoke up, and it shocked everyone so much he instantly had three sets of eyes on him. "You are the most talented neuro surgeon on the West Coast...." He started, pointing to Derek. "And you..." Moving his gesture to Meredith, "Are going to be the most talented neuro surgeon on the West can you be so clueless?" Mark asked in the most nonchalant way possible. Derek didn't even have time to raise an eyebrow about Meredith surpassing his greatness before Mark started again.

"For the past four years she has been the center of your world. Especially his." His finger pointing was starting to annoy Derek, but he still said nothing. "Of course she's acting out. She's pissed. I would be. For the first time in her's not about Ava, it's about the babies...and she's not used to that. I'm not sure why that's a hard concept for you two to get." Mark didn't say it in a mean way, it was just Mark. So straight forward and to the point that they couldn't help but listen.

"Mark.." Warned Addison, thinking he had probably just offended their friends completely. Both Meredith and Derek were too stunned to speak. They had never expected such four year old wisdom to come from Mark.

Clearing his throat, Derek replied, "Nancy kind of...did say almost the same thing." Meredith shifted her position, and glanced at her husband.

"Yeah...she did actually."

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