Chapter 07: I Can Bear It

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A/N - Sexual content ahead. Read at your own risk 😏

We are going for a couple's first time. So brace yourself for the ride 😉😎


Bright came out of the shower with the towel wrapped around his waist while calling his bodyguard

Bright called again as there was no response from the boy

Now Bright was screaming from the top of his lungs and still there was no response.

Annoyed by the fact that Win was not responding Bright started to walk around the chamber in search for the boy and he eyebrows automatically ceased as he saw Win had fallen asleep on his bed with a book over his face.

Bright muttered to himself as he walked towards the sleeping Win huffing and puffing. His hands were on his waist as he stared at the peacefully sleeping younger and his annoyed self immediately felt warm as he kept on looking at the boy

Bright slowly removed the book from Win's face and chuckled softly as he saw Win pouting in his sleep.

The elder boy thought to himself as he tenderly sat besides the sleeping boy and kept on staring at him. He slowly fondled Win's hair and hummed softly as if he was singing a lullaby to the boy and Win's pout instinctively crept into a smile in his sleep making Bright chuckle once again

"So beautiful... My Metawin.."
Bright whispered to himself as he laid down on the bed and hugged Win tight. He was still wearing his towel and his hair was still a little wet but at that moment, Bright was too captured by the younger boy's beauty to realize any of that. Bright cuddled the boy into his arms and Win gladly adhered to the gesture while nuzzling into Bright's neck.

Warmness crept through Win's body and he felt two strong yet gentle arms holding him. The person's breath was calming him down and Win felt eternity as he woke up from his little nap

Win muttered softly as he got up, still with his eyes closed as he did not want to open them to recognize the familiar scent and warm gestures.

He heard the elder boy replying while kissing his hair.

Win giggled hugging Bright closer and he could hear Bright chuckling softly.

"You are so warm."
Win said tenderly as his hands softly roamed around Bright's bare back. Win realized that the boy was topless but he did not care as at that point it was too domestic for him.

"Am I?"
Bright whispered back and the younger boy nodded.

Both of them stayed in silence, embracing each others' warmness until... Win decided to open his eyes

"Shiiaa! P'Bright! Why are you in your towel?!"
Win exclaimed with big eyes and almost pushing down the elder boy from the bed

"I was right after a shower, I guess?"
Bright replied smirking to which Win eyed him from head to toe before frowning

"You pervert..."
Win said while squinting his eyes

"But I am not the one who is eyeing an almost naked person from head to toe right now?"
Bright commented teasingly which earned him a you-wanna-die look from Win.

The prince pouted
(A/N - and people who knows, knows what Bright looks like when he pouts)

"Such a terrible mood killer."
The elder boy added fake crying as he got up and went to dress himself up while earning a thousand glares from Win.

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