Chapter 53: Not Me

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Warning - Sexual Content Ahead. Read at your own risk! 😏❤ This whole chapter is smut y'all. As a thank you gift for waiting 😉

This is a double update. So you can read the next chapter as soon as you finish reading this. ❤🔥


The meeting they had the previous day had taken a toll in everyone's mind and they have been restless in their brains. Everyone was trying to rack down something if there was anything they did not realize until now but none came with any clue whoch concluded that they have not come across any evidence that would help the missions so far.

The respective bodyguards have updated Love and Davika about what was happening and more than anything, Love was glad that Mix was not sentenced on punishments. Bright himself had visited both the girls and explained them the situation as he had felt bad about them being confined despite the fact, they kind of deserves it. Win however, has rejected to encounter with Love any soon as he kept on insisiting to Bright that he needs time and Bright finally had given up agreeing to him.

Currently, both the boys, Bright and Win were sleeping soundly on Bright's bed and Bright got awakened at the feeling of a warm hand wrapping around his body tightly. His eyebrows scrunched up and he groaned as he murmurred

"Win... go back to sleep...."
With that being said he breathed deeply while dipping his head on the pillow.

Win being the mischevious one had his face lighted up early in the morning and for some odd reason he was also turned on out of no where and right now was giggling as his fingers tickled Bright's tummy.

Bright could not help but laugh softly as he was extremely ticklish on that part and right now he was trying his best to flap away Win's hand and get some sleep to which he was failing very successfully

Bright squealed as he turned to the younger boy who had a wide smile plastered on his face and Bright pouted

"Sleepy Nong..."
He whined while pecking on Win's lips.

Win gave incoherent whiny sounds as he also pouted and then hugged Bright while nuzzling his face on the elder boy's neck. Right now, Win wanted Bright to make love to him and he was shy to vocalize it but his body was burning.

Dammit. Why do you have to be this horny early in the morning Win?! So embarassing!
He scolded himself, while hiding his face in Bright's neck even more as if that can make him hide.

A small smile crept on Bright's face as he saw the pink flush on his boyfriend's face and suddenly realizing what was going on, Bright grinned.

He cooed at the boy and Win did not speak back but instead kept on breathing unsteadily, his face hidden in Bright's crook. Whatever he thought when nuzzling into the elder boy was now backfiring on him as he was finding it difficult to contain himself around Bright.

"I...I... need to use the washroom"
Win stammered as he quickly pulled away from Bright and immediately got up to run but was instantly stopped as Bright's hands wrapped around his waist with a chuckle

"My bunny is on heat..."
Bright said in a sing song tune and right now Win really wanted to disappear. He know that he and Bright have been in a very healthy and a great relationship for four years but if there was something Win still cannot vocalize himself for.... it was this bed department. He was feeling extremely shy and when he was horny, he was even more shy.

He would blush to thousands shades of red and them stammer and then his body will heat up and then the ultimate stage will lead to not to be able to look in Bright's eyes.

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