Author's Check

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Hello everyone! ❤️

How are you all doing? I can see Thailand is having a tough time due to Covid - 19 once again and I can see that some counries are now doing fine. But I would like to know how y'all are doing 😃

I am doing fine and here in Sri Lanka it is a kind of fine now. More like we have adjusted to the new normal and not to forget the government did   good job in controlling it in the first place. So we are doing "SHAPE EKE" as how we call it in Sri Lanka (It means fairly okay btw 😂)

We have finally reached the 20th Chapter of  🖤 LOVING THE TWISTED 🖤 and I must say I am humbly happy with all the love I have recieved from you.

This seems to have a very good feedback and a number of votes than my first story 🍃 WITH THE WIND 🍃 and I guess that is what I call gradually progressing. I love how I could touch your hearts more and I should say I myself have improved a lot now. I am more confident too and the reason is you guys! ❤️ Thank you very much for that!

So what did you think of the story so far? Did you enjoy it well? Any critisisms that will make me improve? I would love to hear 💕

Special Note

To 🍃 WITH THE WIND 🍃 fans. I know how eager you guys have been for the story to continue and I truly have to apologize for not updating it though I promised it will be my priority. But I got too busy with studies and other personal matters and I also have a very important exam coming up in four months. I take my studies very seriously so that is why I was lacking in updating this.

You know priorities first! 😁

Hold on a little bit for this poor young author, please? 🥺

< Also I am taking a three day break from writing. Please wait for me. I will come back with new chapters for LOVING THE TWISTED. >

Thank you everyone once again! Your love has truly touched me and I am always overwhelmed because of you guys! 💕

Much Love,
Your loving author
- Aqua Say -

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