Chapter 59: Poison

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Mix called the lady who was still wandering in the balcony of her chamber.

Since the day Love argued with Win, she never really spoke with anyone nor paid attention to anyone. She would barely speak with Mix and that was also to inform her needs and nothing else.

She had asked Mix to let her go out and see Win but Mix always had explained to her that he cannot allow her to do that.

"Can you at least speak a bit? Stop being stubborn..."
Mix said approaching her but still Love did not respond

"How long are you going to keep on doing this?"
He asked again and this time, her face snapped at him

"Until you allow me to get the hell out of here and speak with my brother."
Love hissed and Mix sighed

"You know I cannot do it. You are confined Love. I do not have the power to let you step out of the chamber"

"Then bring him to me Phi. How long do I have to put up with this pain?! How long is he going to ignore me? He is not going to come, is he? So let me go!"
She screamed

"Let you go where?"
Suddenly a montone voice echoed in the chamber silencing Love and she stood solemnly looking at Win who was now standing glaring at him

"Sir Win..."
Mix bowed immediately to which Win replied with a nod and then looked at Love again

"Is this how you treat Mix now? Is it not enough that you almost got him punished because of your stubborness?"
Win asked sternly and Mix immediately interefered

"Win... it's okay"

"You stay out of this Mix!"
Win glared at him making him flinch and then stared at Love again

Win said sternly and Live kept glaring back at him

"I said... apologize Love."
The elder brother said within gritted teeth and Live stood firm, her lips zipped and not in a mood to apologize

"Why should I?"
She asked after a few minutes of staring competition and Win gave her a stern look

"Because you are acting like a brat?"
Win countered

"How did I?"

"That is not how you speak to a person who dedicates his life to protect you."

"But there is no rule that says I cannot speak to him like that."

"There is also no rule which says you can speak to him like that and you know very well raising your voice at someone older than you like that is disrespectful."
Win said getting tired of this whole conversation but he still continued

"Specially since it is Mix, you cannot speak to him like that. He has been the second brother in your life, hasn't he? He took care of you the same as I did since we were kids."

Love looked at Mix and Mix gestured to her that it was okay and honestly now she was starting to feel bad about it. But she also has a point, hasn't she? she deserved to have a conversation with her brother after the argument

"But... I wanted to speak with you..."
Love said in a low tone, tears fighting to come off her eyes

"Then that is not his fault. It is your problem"
Win replied coldly and Love looked at him with tear filled eyes

"But he does not let me come out of the chamber for that..."

"That is because you are confined for what you did. You are not a baby who cannot understand this simple thing. Stop being a baby. You acted quite elderly when you decided to hide everything from me so now stop being childish."
Love did not know why but her brother's voice sounded so distant and cold that her throat felt like locked.

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