Chapter 55: The Man He Loves

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A/N - Happy Brithday smtrekhasrivastava!!! 🥳🥳🥳 May you have the best year ahead and may all your wishes come true! This is a little bithday gift for and this chapter is dedicated just for you. Love you. Take care ❤



Invading through the creepy dreams Apo's conscious slowly dawned. He could feel the rust of the chair rubbing against his tied hands as he opened his eyes groaning.

A sharp pain stinged through his head and just then the memories of what happened before he lost conscious came back to him and sent shivers down his spine. He struggled to set himself free but the strong chains had no intention of letting him go as the tightness only made his wrists bruise.

He hissed as his wrists got rubbed on the rusty metal and the sighed realizing it was useless anyway.

Slowly, Apo looked around the room he was being tied up and fancy that it was his first time being here. He was pretty sure this was his own house because Aaron would not dare to take him outside the walls because he is a very recognizable person in the palace.

Where did this place exist again?
Apo thought to himself and then sneered.

Right. Not like I lived here too long
He thought.

Apo was the son of the wife of Duke Aaron and a low class peasant. His mother Herald, was in an unacceptable affair while being married to Duke with this relevant man, and Apo can be called as the result of it. However, when the Duke got to know about her wife's act was when their relationship started to rock but when he found about Apo, he ended uo accepting him as his son but on one condition. Apo can never claim him as his father and Apo can never publicly say he is the son of Aaron. So this remained a secret with the Emperor, Empress, Aaron and Herald and the only one who knew Apo was their son other than them was Davika, the daughter of Aaron and Herald.

Aaron always treated Apo as his own son despite of the public acknowledgment and he would always treat him in the same way as he treated Davika. Davika also acknowledged him as her brother and actually... the two youngesters has a really good relationship.

Aaron used to harass and hit Herald after discovering her acts but not that Apo or Davika complained. Both of them were happy as the things were and not like they spent much time with their mother and father anyway.

Now when Apo thought about it, except for the fact that is happening right now, his life was pretty lucky from the side of his family.

There were times Aaron favoured him even more than for Davika and he was a lovely father to both of them too.

But what shit is this!
Apo groaned in his mind and then his thoughts shifted to Davika. That is when he started to panic.

What if his father did something to her as well? He knows that she is confined and is being taken care by Tul and that it will be hard for anyone to approach to her. But by any chance, if Aaron calls out to Mile and tells him that he wants to meet his daughter, Mile will definitely let him. Aaron is the Emperor's brother after all.

Apo hissed as he engaged in an unsuccessful attempt of freeing himself and just then he heard the door of the basement getting unlocked.

He stopped struggling and paid his total attention on the men coming down the stair and though it was dark, he could see his father coming down too.

Just then, one of the men switched on the lights and the first person who came in eye contact with Apo was Aaron.

"Why do you always have to he this stubborn Apo? You could have nust agreed with me..."
Aaron said walking towards him and honestly, Apo felt scared of this man. This was not the father that took care of them, this man looked like an animal.

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