Chapter 47: I Can't Live Without You

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Currently, Sam was inside Bright's chamber along with Win, the other princes, Davika, Love and their bodyguards. Win has chirpingly introduced everyone to Sam with how they are related to each other and Sam had to agree this was such a big cozy family though remembering all of them together was a bit difficult.

Bright had explained about Sam to everyone else and they could not help but feel grateful for this man. Bright, Win and Sam also let them know that Gulf has been sexually, physically and mentally assualted and it came out as a pure shock for everyone while their jaws clenched with anger at the same time.

Tul had also joined them since Mew had told him that he can handle the rest alone and what they explained, made Tul understand of all the scars and wounds on Gulf.

No one actually knew what to say because all they wanted to see was the moron who did that to Gulf dead but they knew they had to hold back with everything that is going on in the Empire. They cannot be impulsive because even though they did not have any direct evidence, they are currently sensing of the thing that is coming up.

Bright and Win for the thousandth time exhaustingly explained that they need to rest and the others should get lost to which everyone of them smirked and stick around asking more details about their trip to Goene to which they replied annoyed but happily.

Finally Mile clapped his hands together deciding it was enough haze for Bright, Win and Sam because the three boys were now at a passing point and not forget it was nearly midnight soon

"I think these three needs a good rest now. How about we all dissolve and collect together tommorow morning. Also Bright, you might need to visit mother and father the first thing in the morning."

Bright nodded at Mile while the others bid their farewell and slowly went out of the chamber one by one making Mile and Apo the only ones remaining in the room with them.

Bright called a maid and told her to arrange another bed in his chamber because he was sure Sam did not want to be left alone in a room of the palace and once she left, Bright turned to look at a smirking Mile

Bright asked frowning and Mile smirked even more wider as Apo chuckled beside him

"Stop thinking what you are thinking. Me and Win are going to sleep tonight, okay? We are tired."
Bright hissed as he shook his head as he muttered the next words

"Can't believe that these two are ganging up against me. Freaking lovers!"

"Heard that."
Mile said resting his body nonchalantly on Bright's chair and Bright could hear Win and Sam giggling as well

"Can't you get lost?"
Bright asked lowly growling and Mile grinned.

"I missed you."
Mile said playfully but Bright could feel that hidden genuineness in those words and that made a small smile on his face

"I see. I missed you too."
Bright replied looking at Mile with his doe eyes and since Mile did not expect such a reply he raised his eyebrow trying to maintain the playful image

"Oh since P'Apo is already here. I want a favour"
Win said suddenly changing the subject as he saw the exchange of Bright and Mile was getting a bit sentimental and that both boys did not seem to know how to react to it

"What is it?"

"Phi can you send Mix to the chamber early morning tommorow. Preferably after Bright return from meeting the emperor and empress."

Apo replied as he nodded and Mile finally stood up straight to head out

"Be careful lad. You might need something to cover your ears. Win can be quite loud sometimes."
He said teasingly as he reached the door and Win hissed almost throwing himself at Mile.

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