Chapter 61: Did I Deserve All That?

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A/N - When I went on writing I realized this was getting long so I thought of stopping one chapter here. My classes have been keeping me quite busy these days and that is why I could not update. But for now, read this. I will definitely upload once again within the next twenty four hours and I am sorry for keeping you all hanging. I have a class of four hours now. After that finishes, I will continue writing the next chapter ❤ Wait for me 🥺

Mix stood shocked when blood suddenly gushed out in the air followed by a scream and the next moment he knew, the man who was keeping him held was going numb and the grip around him loosened and that was all Mix wanted to grab the sword and slash the man on the throat.

He immediately held Love by her wrist and pulled her behind him now facing the other three men in black.

For a flip second he turned to look at Love whose eyes were vicious and hands dripping in blood with the dagger in her hand still clutched tight onto her fingers.

Her quick reflexes had grabbed the dagger which was on the nearby table and even before that man could comprehend, she had managed to stab him on his leg which gave Mix the opportunity to set himself free. Love showed no remorse, no fear but still looked determined behind him with her teeth gritted and prepared for anything coming up.

And here I forgot she is the Head Instructor's sister
Mix smirked to himself as he turned to face them men who were looking at the like prey and Mix sneered. It was obvious that the men were a bit shook and caught off guard by the death of their companion but both Mix and Love knew it won't be much time until they replenish themselves.

They would have already escaped if it wasn't for the fact that the men were standing at the door and now they had no choice but fight for their escape. All the nearby guards who were kept on stand were already slaughtered so it was them for themselves and three against two did not actually sound bad to them.

"Give us the lady and you will spared lad."
One of the men said in gritted teeth and Mix raised his eyebrow

Talking in peace now, aren't you?

"You think taking a Royal Lady is that easy?"
The boy sneered and the man's eyes ceased into a thin line

"Your choice then"
As soon as those words escaped his lips his sword swung in their way coming across Mix's sword which clanked against it.

"There is a spare sword under your bed. Grab it"
Mix hushed to Love beside him and Love gave him a confused stare as she turned back and headed towards her bed.

Now when did he place a sword under my bed again?
She thought to herself as he held the finely made sword in her hand and just by holding it, she could say it was made for her.

She smiled as she stood up and went back to Mix who was now a fighting mess with the men and soon before anyone could think of, she joined the fight barely saving Mix from a slash swung at him.

Win had been extremely careful and tactuful when teaching her and though she was trained only for self defense he had made sure to sharpen her reflexes and instincts. Win never trained her for endurance because it was not something she could learn within a short period of time but je had trained her for defense very well that she won't need endurance at the first place. As long as she held a grip of her stamina and used it at the times needed, she could put on a pretty good fight. Specially when and extremely skilled swordsman like Mix was beside her.

Though Love totally concentrated on her moves, she got caught off guard as she came to a pause with the man who was fighting with her and right now, the sharpened edge of the sword of that man was against her wrist which she was holding the sword and her sword was agaist the shoulder of the man

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