Bonus Chapter 03 (Part 02)

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A/N - First of all, I almost came to a point that I am not going to write this chapter because of a several reasons and mainly because I felt bad for Sam's character after something that happened in the last chapter. But then again that itself made me write this because I wanted everyone to see why Sam is one of my favourite characters in this book. (He is not my favourite. He is one of my favourites) ❤ You guys may have various opinions on this and as I always say I welcome all of them with open arms which is why I mainly respond to all your comments. Be it hate or love, I take it warmingly and I try my best to clear your doubts in the comment section and say it in my point of view when someone does not get some point. So if you guys have ever felt like I do not agree with your opinions, I am really sorry about that. If that ever happens in the future please let me know, so I can stop then and there because hurting anyone is not my intention of writing. I write to give people a different world to live and I always give happy endings because I want you all to be happy at the end of the day.

By the way, most of this I have mentioned are not related to what happened. I was just taking precautions and letting you all know just before hand. So now don't rummage back to see what happened. Because if you did not see, just leave it and if you saw, ignore it and enjoy and the one I had this incident with is one of the best sisters I have in my life and I love her to the core ❤ I felt bad that you all had to see us exchanging convos in the comment section like that and that is why I apologized.

Also I am so sorry once again for what happened and I hope it did not destroy your peace in any way because I know lot of you come here to enter a safe world after hectic days.

Alright then. That was a long rant but an important one 😘

So here we go. This time shit is getting hard for Sam and if he is your favourite character or one of your favourites like mine, hold onto your seat belts tight. The ride is bumpy and emotional.


TRIGGER WARNING - Contains graphic information about blood and violence. Also a lot of sass and jokes. 🤯🤪😈 Will also be emotional. So tuck yourselves in ❤


A knock was heard early in the morning at Bright's chamber and Bright was currently wiping his hair after dressing from the early bath.

"Come in"
He said as he sat on the couch and Sam's head popped in

"Good morning P'Bright!"
The boy said cheerfully and Bright immediately broke into a big smile.

"Get in. You have training in the morning today?"
He asked and Sam nodded plopping onto the couch beside Bright

"Yup. Win said the training grounds will be free for 8 hours in the morning."

"Right. The trainees have a test today and it will take place at night. So yeah."
Bright said continuing to dry up his hair and and then talked again

"Win is actually bathing..."

"Oh you did not shower together?"
Sam asked smirking and Bright stopped wiping his hair and grinned

"Well... we had our fun last night"
He winked and Sam laughed heartily.

"Oh right. You be horny everyday."

"You kiddo do not understand"

"I am the same age of Win?"
Sam raised his eyebrow

"And you don't have a girlfriend?"
Bright raised his own back at Sam and Sam clutched his chest dramatically

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