Chapter 51: You Are Also One Of Them

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Everyone was gathered in Bright's chamber and the tension could be cut with a knife. To be frank, Win was not the only who was angry that the things were hidden from them, everyone else was, but since Win was triggered to the epitome, everyone else had to remain calm to make him calm

Mile was standing at the edge of the table while Max and Bright stood on the either sides of him and Win had his fists clenched on the table, barely holding back himself from punching Mix who was standing beside him. At the same time, he wanted to slap Love for being stupi but he just did not have the heart to hurt and in fact, everyone of these was hurting him

Mix stood beside Win solemnly not knowing what to do and by the look of his face Love and Davika guessed that the cat of out of the bag and their onyl question was how it was lead to that direction but by looking at the faces of others they knew they will know about it soon

Sam on the other hand, who was residing in the chambers of Bright and Win because the chamber of Gulf was not a pure section for him to live, was automatically dragged into the meeting and right now, he was feeling the tension weighing him down that he wished he could dig a hole and go inside so that he does not want to put up with this.

"Mix close the door and lock it"
Bright said in a stern manner and the boy obeyed like a robot and everyone waited until he returned back

Win looked at Mile and the eldest prince nodded at him. It was important to talk about what they were going to do next to make themselves safe but on top of all that clearing the reason behind hiding the facts and taking action for the behaviour had to be done if they were to think in a clear mind.

Mile knew that the best to handle Love and Davika was Win and Bright and he was going to let them do that first

Win said in gritted teeth and then glared at Love

"Phi... please listen"
Love tried to comfort him but was immediately cut off by Win's strict and cold voice

"I am listening Love! So cut the crap and explain. Do not test my patience right now."

Love knew how stern Win can be when he is angry and Love knew that any decision Win takes when he is angry cannot be reversed. Win had not only been a brother to her, he has been a father figure at the same time and Love had seen this Win before when she ended up doing anything stupid. Knowing pissing off Win was not the most intelligent idea, Love decided that she should take the chance to explain

But before she could start her explanation, Davika interferred

"Win it was not just her. I knew it too"

"We are aware Davika. I will come to you later. For now I prefer silence from you"
Bright glared at her with his voice dripping cold and Davika just gulped as she nodded

Win kept on staring at Love and that was the silent cue for her to start

"It happened on the day that you and P'Bright came back. I was having tea with P'Davika and the I sensed a strong difference in the odour and immediately knew it was poisioned. So I ordered Mix to throw the teas to a nearby flower pot and decided to keep it to ourselves until we find some clue behind it"
Love explained and for each and every word she said, Win's whole body was fuming in anger. He could not believe that they decided to keep something so important from them.

What if everything went wrong? What if they died?

"If we told it to P'Mile, it would be investigated officially and then the culprit might be careful"
Love finished and Mile sighed

"Did it never occur to you that we could have discussed how we were going to handle it?"
Mile immediately countered and sighed

"Love as much as I understand why you did that, still you could have even warned us and said that you will tell us the thing in more details further. Today.... me and Bright was poisioned in the same way"
Mile explained and the eyes of Love and Davika widened at that

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