Chapter 11: For One Last Time

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Bright and Win was heading to Luke's mansion in a hurry and both of them were shaking as they sped

"Can't you buy him back?"
Win asked

"Who? Gulf?"
Bright asked back and Win nodded

"I could have if this was a normal situation but, he is a traitor and this is his sentence. So no. I can't"

"Then now what Bright?"
Win suddenly stopped breaking down and sobbing all of sudden

"I know it's hard. It is so hard for me too. But Win... we can't. You know I would do it if I had the chance."
Bright patted the boy's back refraining his own tears from falling. He knew Win was emotionally drained because of everything that is happening and it was all too new to Win as well.

So he had to stay strong for Win though he wished he could break down too.

"How can Prince Mew be so cruel? Bright... I know... I know Gulf betrayed everyone and he would have killed you too but still he did not do it and I am pretty sure he abolished the plan long ago. Bright I can't...I can't bear all this"
Win sat down on the floor of the hallway and kept his head on the wall breaking down and sobbing hard.

Bright slowly sat beside him and leaned his head on the wall as well.

He said softly.

Win replied sniffing

"Can I hug you?"
A sob escaped Bright as he said the words and he felt two hands crawling around him and making him warm

"Yeah.. please do so"
Win said in his ears and Bright enveloped the younger boy tight

"P'Mew... he was far more worse before Gulf came. So was P'Max. They were close to me but yet felt so far as they were different from me."
Bright started as he hid his face in Win's neck and Win also did the same.

Bright kept on narrating while they hugged each other on the cold floor of the hallways lit with dim lights, which was unusually hollow and silent.

"All of them enjoyed pain and torture. I do not know why but they did. It is our family tradition that only the first prince learns from the barracks. All the other princes learn from the elder prince who learns and teaches them. So for P'Max, it was P'Mile who taught and for P'Mew, it was P'Mile and P'Max both. As for me it was all the three of them."

Both of them broke the hug and rested their heads on the wall.
Win listened in silence as he knew Bright was finally opening up about his most hidden side and he was happy that Bright trusted him for it.

"Since I was small, I knew they were different than me. I understood it and I think Max and Mew knew that I was different from them as well. But for P'Mile... as you already know, he is a very dense person. He never understood that. I never liked pain neither I enjoyed it. I hated it when I was punished and I felt humiliated if anyone looked down upon me."

"Isn't that the normal thing to be?"
Win asked interrupting to which Bright gave a slight smile

"It depends. On perspectives. For some, I maybe the normal one but if you look at it from point of view from a person like them, I am the weird one. So yeah people are different and I guess there is no really a normal in the world?"
Bright hung the explanation in a question and Win hummed nodding his head

"For you... who are they? Are they weird?"
Win voiced out and Bright thought for a second losing himself in his thoughts

"For me.... they were twisted, I would say"
Bright replied

"As in?"

"As in, when we first started my training, be it sword training, be it physical training, be it endurance or fighting skills, they taught it in the form of pain."

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