Inquries For Bonus Chapters

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Alright. So, this is for you to request scenes you would like to see after the story ends. Like the ones I could not fit in the story. I will write bonus chapters out of your suggestions.

So far, I have three bonus chapters in my mind; (and now this list is edited with the suggestions because then it is easy for everyone to see which is akready suggested and not. I will be definitely writinf bonus chapters for the following mentioned) - Some scenes mentioned here might be in the future chapters so readers who have read only until here, don't get confused just go on reading.

1. Bright punishing Win because he misplaced the important file which almost caused a war

2. Mile and Apo first meet and scenario where Mile gets to know about Apo's family (all of this happens in the first day so it will turn out to be a long bonus chapter)

3. Win training Sam

4. A small thread of bonus chapters (maximum 4) of how Max and Tul met, their first day and how Max became soft for Tul

5. Fero's warning to Luke for slapping Sam

6. Win and Tul getting caught by Arin while trying to find Apo

These chapters will be short and will consist of the relevant incident. 😌

You can leave your suggestions here and I promise I am going to write bonus chapters for all your suggestions before adding the complete tag to the story.

You do not have to hurry. Think and come back and type them here. Even in the future chapters, if you feel like you want an elaborated version of something which I quickly passed while writing, you can come here and leave your suggestions. 😎❤

I am doing this because I cannot fit everything in the story due to the main plot but this is your story just as this is mine because you all were the ones who raised me high up like this. So feel free to make your suggestions and I would love to write them for you.

I will start writing bonus chapters once I finish the main story so start leaving your suggestions now so I can prepare. ❤


A lot of people asked me, whom they should imagine as Sam and Davika.

So here we go for an image from each.

So here we go for an image from each

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As per request

As per request

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Any other characters you wanna see images of? I can add them here if it eases your imagination ❤

This is a suggestion page, so you can tell me anything here 😘

Thank you.

Yours loving author,
~ Aqua Say ~

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