Chapter 21: Let It Happen

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Though I always try to take a break, you my dear fellows somehow find a way to make me update 😂😂

We have come a long way! Thank you for always staying close to this journey! Means a lot!🥺❤


Bright's heart was beating fast in a way he never knew it could beat. Win was still lifeless on his arms when he rushed to the Palace hugging him tight to his chest. He never let Win go. Not even for a second. Because he was scared that if he let go, Win will leave him forever.

His mind was wild and irrational as he saw Mile coming towards him, his face awfully worried along with Mew and his bodyguard Tor. He did not know how they got to know but Bright quickly guessed that they might have got to know it by Max, Apo or Tul and he was really thankful when Mile said that he had already called the Royal Physician to Bright's chamber.

He nodded at his elder brothers and his inner mind was raging towards Trevin. He was going to kill that bastard. He was so sure. But first, he had to make sure that Win is alright and it was his priority.

Tears were damped on his face as he was no longer crying. Bright always knew that crying won't bring him anywhere but his strong mind and determination will. That was one thing he learned from the training he gained as a prince and he knew that Win will support him as well.

Win was a born fighter, who took life responsibilities at such a young age, who fed his sister despite all the hardships and hell Win is the youngest Honoured bodyguard of the whole history of Alstair. He was born to fight and survive.

Bright clutched the younger so hard in his arms as he half walked half ran towards his chamber and on his way he made sure that Win was comfortable.

Earlier on his way, Bright tore his shirt and wrapped it around Win's wound so that he can reduce the bleeding and though the cloth was now soaked in blood, he could see his intention has been fruitful.

The waist is a vital. Bright knew that.  But if Win was to die he had to die already and since he didn't, Bright guessed it was not that fatal but yet, Win was in pain and though the boy did not have conscious there were drops of sweat forming on his forehead.

Once he entered the chamber almost kicking the door regardless a bodyguard opening it for him, Bright kissed the boy quickly as he placed Win on the bed  and then only he realized Tul had also come with him all along with Mile, Mew and Tor.

Ah right. He is one of my bodyguards now.
Bright thought to himself as he saw the royal physician unbuttoning Win's shirt to take a look at the wound and something inside him snarled at the sight which he barely managed to suppress.

Not the best time to be possessive Bright. God! He is the physician for gods sake!
He scolded himself and he twitched his lips to avoid jumping at the man.

Now he hated this.

Win's milky white skin on display for everyone inside the room and he hated it that everyone had their eyes fixed on his boy's body even though they were actually looking at how the wound was being treated.

Bright had the very urge to kick everyone out of the room but he knew they were here because they were worried.

"How is the wound? Is it deep?"
Bright asked from the physician who finished observing the wound and was now going to clean it and the doctor briefly looked at him and then again set his eyes on the wound while replying

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