Chapter 74: Need To Have Hope

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The death of that man who you never expected to die is painful. Specially when standing in their funeral wearing all black, looking at his body knowing he is never coming back. Memoried flashing through the mind again and again and be it good or bad, he will never come back to have any more of them with you.


Flashback - 3 minutes after Fero's death

Apo's voice trembled as he called out the man he loved. When Mile looked at him, tears were filled in those eyes, in sorrow for the man they just lost. The cries of Love and Davika in the background, the endless sobs of Sam and Gulf and silent tears of Bright were not helping the situation any better.

For a minute, Mile womdered why Apo called him and he tried to read why the boy looked horrorred and shocked instead of sadness.

At first, Mile tilted his head trying to figure out what his boy was going to say but when blood streamed down his eyes, nose and mouth, he panicked and got shocked.

He strode towards his man to catch him from falling on the ground and succeeding he had him in his arms before Apo passed away while looking into his eyes

"I love you..."
Were the last words he said before his eyes closed and then next moment Mile knew, he was kneeling in front of a solemn body begging his man to get up when he knew there was no hope.


It hurts so much to lose people in your life who have been there with you either always or randomly and whatever it is, the pain of losing is the same.

They did not know how they were to cope with everything in their lives at the moment but what they knew at the moment was that Fero's was being buried in front of their eyes as an outcome of the brutal war they had. He was the least they expected as someone who would sacrifice for them but that is how it happened. Ot was bad enough to know that he os dead will never be coming back but it sucks to feel relieved that the people who he sacrificed himself for will always be the people they will choose to be with them if they were given a choice to begin with.

No one spoke a single word to each other as they headed back from the Royal Cemetery back to the palace and everyone wore somber faces which did not indicate a single hint of happiness and there was not going to be such any sooner. They knew it.

"Me and Davika will be visitng the garden a bit"
Love said sniffing to Win and Win nodded at her

"Take Mix with you."
He said muttering and Love nodded

Then Win turned to look at Sam and Gulf who looked like they would break at any point and then looked at Bright whose eyes were red. It has been two days since the Goene Battle happened and since then Bright had not gotten a single ounce of sleep. He once fell asleep in Bright's arms when his body could not take it while they were doing the reports lifelessly after returning to Alstair and when he got up, he saw Bright staring blankly at the empty space of their room on his bed with Win on his lap and Sam curled into a ball besides him. Bright was spacing out whole fondling both the boys's hairs and was resting hus back on the head board of the bed. Bright has not spoken more than ten words for the past few days and Apo not getting up for the whole two days and not showing any symptoms of getting better were taking their souls out of them.

Win looked around too see where Mile was when he saw the Crown Prince walking towards the hallways of his chambers with Max and Tul tagging along with him. Then he saw Mew coming towards them with a little smile on his face and Win smiled back slightly bowing at him to which Mew reached to him and patted his back

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