Chapter 30: The Same Reason You Are Smiling

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Chapter 30 y'all. 🔥❤ Thank you for stepping into this milestone with me.

Here we go. The second chapter for today 💕


"Can you two stop fucking inside my chamber and get out?"
Mile said grinning as he knocked on the door and he smirked as he heard a frsutrated groan from inside.

"You fucked almost the whole day."
He said as Max opened the door annoyed and by the look of it, he could say that they were sleeping

Tired after the use of all the stamina?
Apo thought as he grinned behind from Mile and Max playfully fisted his hand in the air as if to hit him

"What did he do?"
Mile asked laughing as he did not see what Apo did because the bodyguard was at his back and Mile frowned

"He gave me a smug look Phi."
Max complained and Mile chuckled back at Apo as he complimented

"Well done."

"Thank you master"
Apo replied in sing song voice and Mile's heart almost leaped out of him

He's cute.
The prince thought to himself just when Win's irritating teasing voice cut through the air

"Ohoooiiii P'Max looks like a fucking mess."
The youngest boy commented almost jumping his last steps and now it was Apo's turn to be confused.

"And you are the man responsible for the fourth prince?"

Win replied loudly startling all of them and Max could not help but ask

"What is with the good mood?"

Bright chuckled

"When is he not in a one? The energy he is radiating is out of the world."

"You mean the stamina."
Max corrected and Bright glared playfully.

"Oh please don't give us that saint look. Win was nearly glowing the first time you guys did it."
Mew who came with the eldest prince and his bodyguard commented laughing and Win dramatically gasped

"Oh Phi! They watched us doing that."

"Oh no!"
Bright also gasped in the same dramatic manner and the other boys almost smacked both of them on the head

"Maxin who is out there?"
Tul asked while coming towards them still buttonig up his shirt while yawning and he immediately stopped in his tracks his whole face getting red

"Your future family."
Bright replied nonchalantly and Tul really wished he had an egg shell to hide.

Fuck. So embarassing
He thought to himself as Win giggled behind Bright

Just then a guard came running towards them in a hurry

"Sir Win."
He said almost out of the breath and Win immediately turned serious.

He knew by the panic in the eyes of the guard that something was wrong and he could feel the rest of them tensing up as well.

"Sir Mix returned back."

All the four Bright, Win, Mile and Max shouted in unision and the guard nodded as he carried on

"He is having a girl with him sir and both of them looks extremely worn out and injured."

"Where was Mix to begin with?"
Mew asked totally confused and ignoring him totally, Bright directed his next question

"Isn't Gulf with him?"

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