Bonus Chapter 02

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A/N - Okay this is a very random idea which came from writing the Bonus Chapter 01. And since y'all wanted MileApo a little bit more, so why not? 🤣❤

And damn we have passed 20K reads too!! 🥳🥳


Apo At Training Grounds
- When he goes leaving Win (after the punishment) to Mile because he was stressed -


Apo punched the punching bag hanging from the metal chain for he knows how many times to let out the frustration he was feeling from inside.

No matter in which way he thought about it, every single minute of the past twelve hours suffocated him and he hated it. He had trained a hundreds of recruits ans had tortured a lot of people but nothing was so heart wrenching as what he did for the past hours.

He did not know the reason for it. Whether it is because it was Bright, who was the kindest to him since the very beginning or the fact that Bright is Mile's youngest brother or because it is of Win who feels like a younger brother to him or else if it is because of both Bright and Win who lifted up his spirits and made him feel cared each and every minute. He just did not know the reason! All he understood was that it was like someone was chocking him from inside of him in a way he could neither defend himself nor avoid it.

His visuals were still vivid of how blood seeped through Bright's hand whenever he whipped the prince's hand and the cries of Win echoed in his ear. Having the same things repeated in front of his eyes and ears at regular intervals was a torture he never knew that could suffocate people.

Just like Win, he himself had to watch as Bright's condition worsened over the hours and his body shruddered with the picture of the boy's blood floating on the ice water and Bright having his head hung low, almost as if he was dead.

Apo gulped as he came back to reality shaking his head sideways and all those thoughts seemed so real and felt like it happened again and again in front of him though in reality it was just the punching bag a few inches away from him.

Apo breathed deep as he tried to calm himself down but then screamed in frustration when he could not get those thoughts out of his head and ended up vigourously attacking the punching bag as if there was no tommorow.

There were a few recruits practicing when he first landed here and now that he looked around, not a single soul was to be seen.

Scaredy cats!
He frowned in his mind and sneered at them in his mind.

Looks like a little more training would make them stand brave.
He said to himself in his mind as he charged at the punching bag once again and he kept on attacking it until the chain which it was hung from broke and the punching bag landed on the floor with a thud.

His mind raged at the sight and he kicked it aggressively. Apo was a kind of glad that the recruits were not around because he was sure, if there were at least one, he would have made the person run a few miles without a reason because right now, logic was not in his vocabulary. Bright and Win had played with his mind for good and he loved them too much that he could not even be angry with them. So instead he tried to vent it on himself and the punching bag but right now, he was failing it bad.

He grabbed two of the readily available water bottles from the shelf and then thumped on the floor near the fall. He flick opened one bottle and then drank it in one go which made him realize that his chest was burning from thirst because he hasn't taken a single drop of water in the past thirteen hours

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