Chapter 2 - Smash

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Bakugou could hear the ruckus before he even entered the building. Great, he thought to himself. Can't I get one goddamn minute of peace?

It was 9:00 PM. He had been working his ass off in training since school got out. He was already up later than normal, which made his usual sour mood even worse. Walking into the dorms, he was hit with the smell of popcorn and orange soda.

"What are you asshats doing?" He grumbled, making his way over to the couch where nearly the entire class huddled. "It's fucking late."

Kirishima scoffed at him. "It's barely nine, man."

"Super Smash Bros tournament, bitch!" Mina cheered, raising her soda can. "Y/N is wiping the floor!"

"No she isn't! I can beat her if you give me one more second--" Sero snapped, his fingers flying away at his controller. Y/N, meanwhile, was leaned back with an evil grin on her face. It was clear she was going to win and she knew it.

"C'mon, Hanta, if we lose our streak to the girls I'm gonna--" Kirishima started, but Jiro smacked the back of his head. 

"Let us have this! This is the first time we've had a chance, you're not gonna blow this for us," she threatened.

Bakugou rolled his eyes and set his bag down on the counter. God, they were loud.

"FUCK!" Sero yelled, and the rest of the girls in the room cheered and clapped Y/N on the back. She did an exaugurated bow.

"Bakugou! We've finally got someone you can compete with!" Kirishima taunted. "She could actually beat you."

Bakugou bristled at the challenge. "Like hell she could! Gimme the damn controller," he said, storming over to the defeated Sero and snatching it from his hands. Without even glancing at Y/N, he started the next game. Y/N pretended to yawn and Bakugou shot her a piercing glare. "You're in for a world of hurt, smartass," he challenged. 

"Y'know, I think Sero said something similar," she said, nodding her head towards Sero who was crumpled in Denki's arms. "But I'll never turn down some more practice."


Bakugou growled and turned his attention back to the screen. "You're gonna eat your words."

She didn't eat her words. 

A few minutes later, the girls were cheering yet again and Y/N stuck her tongue out at Bakugou through a shit eating grin. He was positively fuming. "Stay right the fuck there," he snapped, getting up and snatching a soda from the counter. He plopped back down on the ground next to her and took a big swig.

"Hey, it was my turn next! Loser is supposed to switch," Kirishima whined.

"Shut up, Shitty Hair. I'm gonna beat her." He started the next game, ignoring Kirishima's jab in the arm. 

One, two, three games later, Y/N still held her title. With each round that passed, Bakugou was losing steam. He had never lost at this game before. He'd never lost at anything before. This shitty girl was ruining his reputation. Y/N stayed calm, leaning back against Mina, who fed her constant encouragement and occasionally a piece of popcorn.

"You're fucking kidding me," Bakugou spat after his 5th loss. 

"You wanna go again? I can go all night, my guy," Y/N said, shrugging. "I think you like getting your ass beat."

The class whooped and laughed at her comment. He was beginning to turn red. "Fuck you. I'd wipe the floor with your ass in a real fight." This girl was insufferable. 

"What, getting your virtual ass kicked wasn't enough?" She said, a challenging look in her eye.

Bakugou hadn't been this angry in God knows how long-- how in the hell was she so quick on her feet? It made his blood boil. She was infuriating. 

Y/N finished off the rest of her soda and tossed it into the trash. "Thanks for the dinner and the games, guys. Let's do it again soon," She said, picking up her bag.

"Where are you going? Aren't you staying here in the dorms?" Denki asked.

"Well, that's the plan, but I can't until my room is set up. That'll take a couple more days. I was gonna do it tonight, but some of you wanted to eat dirt in Super Smash Bros." Sero threw an empty soda can at her head, which she dodged. 

"If you aren't staying here, where are you going?"

"I was gonna check into a hotel somewhere. It's just for a night, so it shouldn't be too bad," she shrugged, pulling her keys out of her bag. 

"You have a car?!" Ochaco squealed. 

"A bike, actually," Y/N said, grinning. "I'll take you for a ride sometime if you're brave enough." She winked at Ochaco, who tried to hide a small blush.

"You ride a motorcycle?" Bakugou deadpanned.

"Yup. You want to go for a spin, Bakugou?" she joked.

Her teasing was getting on his nerves. "Fuck off."

"See you guys tomorrow," Y/N waved, and closed the door behind her. 

Bakugou finished up the rest of his soda and threw it in the trash. His face was still stained with a scowl from his losses. Who did she think she was? Nobody beats him. Nobody wins against him. Not only that, but she walked away like it was nothing. Who the hell was she?

"It's just a game, Bakubro," Kirishima said, wrapping his arm around Bakugou's neck. "You could take her in a real fight, no questions asked."

Bakugou scoffed. "Of course I could."

"Wait! I forgot to ask her what her quirk was!" Izuku yelped, grabbing his notebook and dashing out the door behind her. 

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