Chapter 68 - Surprise!

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Y/N's dorm room door slammed open and Bakugou sauntered in. "Tinkerbell. Need my boots fixed."

She didn't stir. She stayed snoring in her bed as if he didn't exist, and that angered him. He walked over to her bed and crouched down to be at eye level with his girlfriend, a strong scowl on his face. The scowl faded once he saw how peaceful she looked; Sure, the snoring was obnoxious, but he couldn't deny how cute she was. It made him even angrier that she looked this sickly sweet without trying.


Y/N awoke with a deep frown, eyes blinking to adjust to the morning light. It was literally the light of the sunrise-- it couldn't have been later than 6:00 AM.

"Are you fucking kidding me, Kat? Today?" She groaned. Instead of getting up to help him she flipped over and ignored him. "Get out, 'm tired."

"I have patrol tonight. Need this shit repaired. You want me to die out there?"


"Get the hell up!" He snapped. He grabbed her arm and flipped her back around to face him, and in doing so her shirt rode up her stomach. The newly exposed skin made Bakugou flush and widen his eyes, but a new wave of frustration shook him from the daze.

Y/N didn't seem to care. She only flipped him off and attempted to roll over again-- Bakugou snarled and climbed on top of the bed above her, glaring down at her menacingly. He jabbed a finger at her forehead, making her yelp before huffing in anger and sitting up.

"Why this early, dude?" She snapped. "You don't need 'em fixed until tonight! Let me be!"

He crouched down, elbows on his knees. "Cause I was gonna work out later. I need this done now."

"I have a life outside of fixing your shit, you know. I'm gonna go back to bed. You have three seconds to get off my bed before I make you get off."

"It's not that fucking hard! I just need the soles put back in-- SHIT!" Bakugou was interrupted with a burst of air knocking him off of the bed and onto the floor. He landed smack on his back and groaned. "You shitty girl, I'll--"

"Try again, babe. I dare you." She was already back under the blankets and falling asleep again.

Bakugou stood up in a huff and marched out of her room, slamming the door behind him.


A few hours later, Bakugou was hauling a basket of laundry back to his bedroom when Kirishima darted past him so quickly he almost lost his grip.

"Oi! Watch it!" Katsuki snapped, rolling his eyes and continuing his route down the hall. Only a few seconds later, about 7 other classmates zipped down the hall as well-- this time, he did drop the basket. "What the hell is going on?"

"You wanna join? We're waking her up now," Mina said excitedly. She had... balloons in her hands.

"The hell-- Wake who up?"

"You want in, Kacchan? You can hold the cake if you want," Deku said. The smile on his face was much too bright and eager.

The pieces were starting to add up and he did not like where it was going. "Hold on a damn second, is it--"

"SURPRISE!! GOOD MORNING BIRTHDAY GIRL!" Kirishima crowed, slamming open Y/N's door and letting in the mass of 3-A students. Even from down the hall Bakugou could hear Y/N's shriek of surprise.

No. It couldn't be.

Katsuki was left in the hallway in utter shock as he heard streamers pop and his friends cheer. How did he not know it was her birthday? Shock made way for a new emotion: Rage.

He stormed down the hall and grabbed Midoriya by his sleeve. "Oi. Why the fuck didn't anyone tell me it was her fucking birthday?" He hissed. He refused to turn the corner and face the celebration.

"You told us you'd kill us if we involved you in another 'shitty birthday celebration.' You said they were pointless," Izuku deadpanned.

"She's my fucking girlfriend!"

"Yeah, so we thought you knew."

Bakugou let go of Midoriya's shirt and threw his head back in frustration, gripping his hair tightly. What the hell was he going to do? He had woken her up early, demanded work of her, and told her he already had plans for the day. It was off to a pretty shitty start.

From behind the wall, Bakugou hissed for Kirishima to come over. When the bright haired boy bounced over to him he yanked him out of Y/N's room. "Big problem," He breathed. "Didn't know it was her birthday."

"Yikes," Kirishima winced. Fuck. If Kirishima thought it was bad, it was probably really bad. When he saw Bakugou start to panic he grabbed his friend's shoulders. "It's okay bro. We'll figure this out. Go get some flowers, make a reservation for a restaurant she likes, maybe some fancy jewelry--"

"I don't think Y/N likes jewelry... I don't even know what restaurants she likes here," Bakugou grunted. "This is a fucking disaster."

"Nah dude, it'll be okay. Just take her out tonight."

"I can't," Bakugou groaned. "I have a patrol shift tonight."

Kirishima slapped his forehead. "Jesus Christ."

"I fucking know, Ei! What the hell do I do?"

"Okay, okay," Kirishima said, radiating determination and focus. "Um...quit your job."

Bakugou stared at him for a bit. "You're kidding."

"It's better than ditching her!"

Bakugou slumped against the wall. It had only been a week or two since he'd started dating her and he was going to lose her over something dumb like this. She was definitely going to leave him-- he didn't deserve her, he--

"Get it together, Bakubro," Kirishima snapped. "You have a lady to please."

Kirishima was right.

Katsuki crossed his arms and bit his lip in focus. Think. Think. Think.

Eijirou watched as Bakugou pulled his wallet from his pocket and walked out the door. "Be back later," Bakugou huffed before slamming the door.

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