Chapter 47 - The Morning After

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Bakugou woke up first.

Granted, he hadn't slept much; it was hard to get to sleep knowing that Y/N was in his bed with him. They had just fucked but for some goddamn reason there were still butterflies in his stomach. 

He turned onto his side to look at her. She was curled up on the other side of his bed, deep breaths dancing over her lips as she slept. Bakugou usually tried to push down the feeling of his heart swelling, but he let himself feel it this time. She looked so perfect-- he wanted to stay like this forever. 

Bakugou reached his hand up to touch her cheek, but he hovered a few inches above her face. He didn't want to wake her... and was this weird? Was it weird that he wanted to hold her? This was all so new. 

He gave in and let his fingers brush her hair from her face as he watched her. Part of him wanted to lean in and kiss her sleeping lips, but--

Y/N's eyes fluttered open and when she felt his hand she smiled. "Simp," she said, her voice gravelly from the morning.

Bakugou's eyes widened in surprise. "Fuck off, dumbass. You snore in your sleep." He turned away so that she wouldn't see his blush. The butterflies surged inside of him.

"You were literally inside me yesterday, and you get embarassed at touching my face?" she teased. She shimmied over to him, admiring how sexy he looked without a shirt. "You're more of a pussy than I thought--"

He whipped around and tackled her in anger, flipping her over and pinning her against his pillow. Y/N was only giggling at him and it made his heart race. "Call me a pussy one more time. I dare you," he threatened, leaning in close as she laughed. God, her smile was contagious, and it made him feel warm.

Y/N was definitely about to call him a pussy again, but a knock sounded at the door.

"Have you seen my crocs?" 


Bakugou picked Y/N up from his mattress and carried her over to his closet, shoving her inside as she tried to get free.

"You asshole! You can't just--"

He shut the door on her. Typical. From inside his closet, she could hear Bakugou open his bedroom door. He was treating her like shit and it pissed her off.

"They're under your desk, dumbass," Bakugou snapped.

"Oh, okay. Is someone in there with--" Bakugou slammed the door, not letting Kirishima finish that sentence.

Y/N pushed out of his closet. "What the hell, man?"

"What? You want Shitty Hair knowing I railed you?" She didn't respond. "Didn't think so," he grumbled. 

"You're a dick."

"Should I tell the class we fucked? Is that what you want, Tinkerbell?"

"I just--" Y/N sighed in frustration, not sure what to say. "Whatever. Do what you want. I have shit to do." She tightened her robe and snuck out of his room, visibly upset. 

Okay, maybe he needed to work on his aftercare. Big deal.


Bakugou did not like that Y/N was still wearing her robe at breakfast, even with the tank top and shorts she added underneath. Her cleavage was still clearly visible; when he saw Sero and Kaminari staring, he almost snapped his chopsticks in half. He didn't want anyone else seeing her like that.

Y/N was oblivious. She carried on making her eggs before sitting at the table next to Kirishima and watching some TikToks he had saved to show her. They were laughing together and it pissed Bakugou off. 

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