Chapter 76 - Outgoing Call

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"Is this... is this about that quirk marriage shit?"

This time the woman stopped. Her composed aura faded for a moment before she smiled again.

"It's more complicated than that, dear. You don't know the power you hold."

"Why the hell do you only talk in riddles? Would it kill you to make sense? It was literally a yes or no question, it's not that fucking hard."

The woman's brow twitched. It seemed she was losing her patience with Y/N.

Y/N didn't give a rat's ass.

"I'm leaving," Y/N deadpanned. She raised her hand before thrusting it towards the door, planning to send a gust of wind to break it down; but nothing happened.

She looked down at her hand, confused, trying it again. Nothing.

"Trying to use your quirk? That isn't going to work for a bit."

Y/N huffed and slammed her heel into the door, attempting to kick it down. Instead it only made her foot throb and the woman behind her sigh.

The panic from no longer having her quirk, again, was beginning to set in. What did they do to her? This can't be happening. Not again. 

She used her fists now, banging relentlessly. "LET ME OUT! FUCKING LET ME OUT!" She was met with a loud thump from the other side of the door that shocked her backwards.

"Are you finished?" The woman said, annoyed. "We aren't finished talking."

Y/N turned back with a snarl. "Why me?"

The woman gestured to the bed again, motioning for her to sit. Y/N didn't listen and the woman sighed. She pulled out a chair from the nearby table and sat so formally it made Y/N gag.

"You have the same quirk as the family," Inasa's aunt said matter-of-factly. "You were an obvious pick for Inasa."

"You can't make me do shit, you know. How are you planning on going through with this?"

"You may want to hear us out before you put up a fight."

Y/N clenched her fists. The blood rush from assaulting the door was making her head throb and her vision blur slightly, but she pushed through with her anger. "What, are you gonna kill me if I don't comply? Do it."

"Don't be so dramatic, we aren't going to kill you." The woman rolled her eyes.

"Why do you want us to get married? What is there to gain? Is this some Harry Potter pureblood shit?"

The woman squinted in confusion before shaking her head. "I told you before, Y/N, you're more powerful than you think." She stood up and walked over to the window, peering out of it dramatically. Y/N rolled her eyes at the woman's performance.

"What, you want me in the family, so you kidnap me?" Y/N snapped.

"It isn't you we want. We want your children– specifically your children with Inasa."

"Ugh. Barf."

The woman spun around in frustration. "Do you even know how powerful your offspring would be with two parents with fully-fledged wind quirks? They–"

"Did you just unironically use the word offspring? Jesus, you people are crazy."

"My God, do you ever shut up?"

"Not when I'm kidnapped by someone who wants to pull a Rumpelstiltskin on me."

The woman stared at Y/N dumbfounded. She was beginning to shake with anger and it was starting to become funny.

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