Chapter 28 - Drunk Lips

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Bakugou was about ready to kill Y/N. 

The first half of the walk home she was crying, and now she was singing some shitty American pop song at full volume, belting loud enough that they got weird looks from others on the street. No amount of telling her to shut the fuck up worked.

"Jesus Christ, you're worse than Kirishima," he growled as he carried her through the front door. The dorms were silent and filled with darkness, a different kind of energy than usual. It felt weird being the only two people in the building. 

He took her straight to the bathroom, setting her on the toilet seat as she mumbled unintelligibly. He took off his gloves and eye mask before getting to work helping Y/N. 

The light from the ceiling was jarring in comparison to the darkness they had been walking in the past little while. He grabbed a small towel from a drawer and wet it with warm water, kneeling down next to her and wiping off the wild mascara stains.

She was so sloshed she didn't even open her eyes as he did so. She probably didn't even know where she was. With one hand he held the back of her neck to keep her up and with the other he gently cleaned the makeup from her flushed cheeks. The room was silent as he worked on her. Bakugou finally felt relaxed for the first time in hours.

After washing her face, he stood up and threw the towel in the sink. His ears rang in the quiet. 

"Katsuki..." Y/N whined. His chest tightened hearing her say his name like that. It felt too intimate.


"Why're you mad I slept with Hawks?"

Her eyes weren't even open as she asked it. Her head was leaned against the counter, her arms dangling at her sides. She looked ridiculous.

"You can do what you want," he grunted. 

She looked up at him, making eye contact with him for the first time since their argument. "I know I can, but..." Her words slurred together. "I don't want you t'be mad at me. That sucks." 

"Fuck. I'm not mad at you," He grumbled. She would likely forget she'd asked anything in a few seconds. "C'mon, let's get you to bed, dumbass." He grabbed one of her arms and slung it over his shoulder, pulling her up. She stumbled, but he was supporting most of her weight, and he led her down the hall to her room.

"You smell so good," Y/N breathed.

He rolled his eyes at her, opening her door and leading her to her bed. He sat her down and was about to leave, but she let out a whine. "I can't... reach my... Bakugou, help," she whimpered.

Hearing her voice this sweet made his hair stand up. It was getting harder to be so close to her, but he sighed in defeat and walked back to help. "What's wrong?"

"I can't unzip," she cooed, trying to reach behind her back.

What was she trying to do to him? 

Bakugou apprehensively reached behind her, finding the zipper and sliding it down slowly. He took a deep breath, trying oh so hard not to imagine anything else-- but he made the mistake of looking into her eyes as he pulled away, and she was giving him a look that made his brain melt.

She was leaning in, slowly but surely, and he couldn't move. He was frozen.

Y/N was close now. So close. The distance was only getting smaller and smaller, and he couldn't move. 

Her soft lips met his, and his body erupted in desire.

He kissed her back, reaching his hands up and cupping her face as he pressed his lips against hers. She tasted like booze, but he needed more. He moved his fingers to the back of her neck, pulling her in closer. Her lips parted and he slipped his tongue into her mouth, panting as his body ached for more, more, more. He was drunk on the feel of her.

Her hands were touching his chest and going lower, sending shocks up his body. He pulled away suddenly, realization dawning on him. "Fuck. No, we can't do this."

"Bakugou, please," she whined softly, her lips kissing his cheek and then his jawline. He couldn't move as she made her way to his neck. She was so warm, and she smelled so nice, and all he wanted was to lay her down on the bed and ruin her, but he couldn't move. Her lips were heaven against his skin. "I need you," she whimpered, and he practically moaned.

In a moment of clarity he pulling away again. "Y/N, no. You're drunk."

Her hands slipped down his torso and hooked onto his belt, pulling him back to her as she kissed him again, hungrier this time. Having her hands that low was filling his mind with wicked ideas. Her tongue made his pants feel tighter as the seconds flew by, and she tasted delicious. "Fuck," he moaned. He was aching for her now, but he yanked his lips away again for a final time. "Y/N, you're killing me..."

He stood up, ending it. He took a deep breath to try and chase the dizziness and aching desire from his body. He leaned his head back, fighting the urge to touch her again. Y/N was addictive. How could she have this much power over his body? His mind and dick were at war with each other, fighting to take charge of his actions. 

Y/N seemed to have already forgotten what happened. She laid down on her pillow, a soft sigh escaping her lips as she drifted off. Bakugou felt delirious, trying to process what had just happened. Was that real? 

He opened her door to leave, but Y/N cried for him. "Please don't go," she begged, barely able to muster the words through her exhaustion. 

He was strong, but not strong enough to refuse her again.

Already knowing it was a bad idea, Bakugou grabbed one of the stray pillows on her bed and set it on the ground beneath him, laying down. He put his hands underneath his head as he laid on his back, the exhaustion finally catching up with him as he let out a deep breath. 

"Thank you," Y/N said, barely loud enough for him to hear.

He closed his eyes, and before he could stop himself he drifted off to sleep on Y/N's bedroom floor.

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