Chapter 55 - Touch

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TRIGGER WARNING: blowjobs, (slight) throat fucking


"You're not gonna freak the fuck out if I take control?" Y/N questioned. "I know you've got some issues with--"

"Issues?" Bakugou spat, disgusted at the implication. "I do not have issues."

Y/N raised an eyebrow at him before latching a finger on the waist of his sweats.

"Wait, wait, Jesus-- hold on!" Bakugou croaked. Too fast, too fast, too fast.

"Kat, listen, we don't have to do this. I can tell you're uncomfortable with it, and that would be gross if I forced you into it," Y/N said calmly. "No stress." She smiled softly at him before turning to grab some of her things from his nightstand. They were in the privacy of his room now-- a safe space.

"I--" He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. That wasn't what he wanted. Part of him was upset when she released him from her grasp-- he didn't realize he had liked it until she let go. "Don't... don't stop."

Y/N turned back around to face him, stopping what she was doing. "You sure? I'm not gonna continue if you're not sure about this."

"I'm sure, just... fucking touch me already," he groaned. His breath was picking up and desperation started seeping into his movements.

She started walking towards him cautiously, testing if he was serious. He was backing up as she approached him until the back of his legs hit the bed and he fell backwards onto his elbows. Yes, he did want this-- but fuck, he was nervous.

Y/N slowly pulled her shirt off over her head, unwrapping herself like a present. The display made Bakugou's breath catch in his throat. She was teasing him, he could tell from the look she was giving him: that annoying mischievous grin she always had. It wasn't annoying this time, though. The aching in his pants was evidence of that.

She wasn't wearing a bra. Of course she wasn't-- they had been sleeping only an hour ago. It made sense, but still, it caught him off guard in the best possible way. God, she was perfect.

Y/N grasped at the brim of his shirt and pulled it over his head before sitting on his lap, her arms draped over his shoulders as she leaned towards him.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

His heart nearly exploded in his chest as he thought she was going to kiss his lips-- but she didn't. Instead, she kissed his cheek gently, much to his annoyance; but the kisses didn't stop. After his cheek, she planted one on his jaw, then his earlobe, then his neck. She stopped there, giving extra attention to the spot on his neck that made his body rigid underneath her.

Bakugou felt vulnerable. It was a sensation that he usually despised. Anyone having the upper hand against him would normally make him on edge, frustrated, paranoid. But not this.

This was Y/N. This was good.

She pulled back up and started kissing near his cheek again-- then making her way around his mouth, but never his lips. They started tingling with anticipation. The desire to kiss her got stronger and stronger the longer she held it from him.

"Fuck-- stop it," he grunted, trying to turn his head into the kiss, but she kept dodging his lips and continuing around them. She smiled; she was enjoying the power she had over him.

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