Chapter 45 - Burning Up Part I

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CONTENT WARNING: fingering, light choking, domination


The more seconds passed, the harder it was for Bakugou to keep it together. Y/N was in his room with only a robe on. His grip on himself was slipping the longer he looked at her. He had her pushed up against the door, much like when he'd kissed her. 

But he was planning on doing much more than kissing now.

"Who's the desperate one now, huh?" Y/N snickered, and the playful tone of her voice was the last straw before he lost it. He was done for. There was no going back now.

A low rumble sounded in his chest, almost like a growl. "Watch your mouth, Tinkerbell, or I'll have to fuck that attitude out of you."

Y/N's breath caught in her throat and he loved it. He loved the power he had over her. She liked to act high and mighty, but he knew now what made her slip up; with only a few words he could reduce her to a blushing mess. 

"What are you waiting for then?" she challenged.

Bakugou grinned and reached behind her to lock the door, not breaking eye contact. Finally. 

Within a second he picked her up, her legs wrapped around his waist, and he carried her over to his bed. She was giving him a look that he was aching to see more of. He dropped her there, and she hit the mattress with a small yelp, making him smirk. Y/N propped herself up on her elbows, staring at his dominating figure. Her robe was coming undone; the deep V was now an even deeper V that showed skin all the way to her belly button. A few more rough movements and her entire body would be exposed.

Bakugou climbed on top of her, unable to stop himself. He couldn't help himself from staring at her body; there was a wicked glint in his eye that made Y/N shiver involuntarily.

In one swift movement, he bent down and pushed his lips against hers. With one hand he grabbed the back of her neck and deepened the kiss; with the other, he trailed his fingers down that horribly enticing robe of hers. His hand brushed against the skin of her chest making her gasp into his mouth. 

The kiss was rough and desperate. Bakugou was unable to hold back now. Every fiber of self control that he'd had before was now burned up, and the need for her was clouding every part of him. The next time she opened her mouth in a gasp, he pushing his tongue inside, making her moan. The sound sent blood rushing downward at an alarming rate. 

He bit her bottom lip lightly as he pulled away, staring at her. Y/N's cheeks were flushed red and her eyes were closed as he played with her. She was enjoying this, and the thought only made him hungrier for her. "Jesus, Y/N," he groaned. "Taste like heaven..."

When he reconnected their lips again, his hands got to work. They drifted from her face, skimming over her neck as he made his way down her perfect body. He grabbed the small section of fabric above her chest and pulled it away to expose the her breasts as he kissed her. He pulled back again and inhaled at the sight beneath him.

Y/N saw him staring and tried to cover herself up with her hands, but Bakugou grabbed her wrists and pinned them by her head. "No. Let me see," he growled, this time kissing her neck instead of her lips. "Fuckin' beautiful."

Bakugou kissed and sucked at that sensitive bit of skin on her neck, making Y/N's breathing pick up. His hands were on her waist now as he nipped at her. He licked over the skin, smirking with pride at the bright red hickey.

"Bakugou! Did you leave a mark?" Y/N whined. "I have fucking work tomorrow, you--"

He grabbed her chin aggressively, forcing her to look at him. "Do I look like I give a fuck if you work tomorrow? I'm not done."

Y/N hated how much her body shivered at his words.

Bakugou's hands made their way from her hips up to her chest. He bent down and licked her nipple, his dick throbbing when she moaned at the feeling. He used his thumb to brush and flick over the other one, Y/N squirming under his touch as he sucked and twisted. 

"Fuck--Kat, stop fucking teasing," she snapped. 

His mouth popped off her chest and he glared at her, crawling up to her eye level. "You aren't in charge here," he growled, one hand reaching up and wrapping around her neck. Y/N's eyes widened at the touch. "I'll stop when I wanna stop. Got that, Tinkerbell?"

With one hand still on her neck, he traced his fingers down her body until he was only inches away from where she needed him most. 

"Say please," he said, an evil smile on his face.

Y/N glared at him, her face even redder than before. "You're an asshole."

"Beg, Tinkerbell, or I'll tease you the rest of the goddamn night. Don't test me."

Y/N squeezed her eyes shut, her hands clutching the wrist that held her neck. "Fine! Jesus, please! Touch me!"

Bakugou chuckled in satisfaction, finally letting his fingers down lower. He wiped a stripe up her slit with his pointer finger before rubbing his fingers over her clit, eliciting a desperate moan from Y/N. Chills ran up his spine at the sound; he needed more. He was going to need both hands for this.

He let go of her throat (much to Y/N's disappointment) and crouched down on the floor next to the bed. He pried her legs open wider, almost groaning at how perfect the sight was in front of him. Y/N was positively dripping. He looked up at her, admiring how desperate she looked. His dick throbbed at the sight.

"You dripping for me, Y/N?" he said. His voice was low and made Y/N's legs shake.

"Fuck off. Just fucking touch me."

Bakugou obliged. He ran his fingers over her slit again, this time finding her entrance and letting his middle finger push in. "Damn, you're tight," he grunted, letting his finger bottom out. Seeing his finger inside her made the desire to fuck her spread throughout his entire body. He was reaching a dangerous level of need.

He curled his finger, and Y/N keeled over at the sensation. "Fuck, right there," she begged. "Please, Kat, right there."

Her begging was music to his ears. He pushed another finger in, stretching her out, and with his other hand he used his thumb to rub her clit. He curled his fingers again, this time making her moan outright-- thank god for the loud music. His dick was becoming uncomfortably hard. He ached for some kind of friction. 

Bakugou continued, picking up his pace. Y/N was losing her mind on the bed, squirming and crying out at every curl of his finger; he was hitting every spot perfectly, and the friction on her clit was making her see white. Her chest was rising and falling as she panted above him. Bakugou watched her with a wicked grin. Her whining, her pleasure, it was all because of him. He loved that power.

"Wait, stop, or I'm gonna-- Fuck--" Y/N started babbling above him. "Shit, shit, Bakugou, I--"

"I'm not fucking stopping. Cum for me, Tinkerbell." 

Y/N's orgasm slammed into her. Pleasure ripped through her body, the heat spreading to every part of her. She convulsed and moaned on Bakugou's sheets as wave after wave of pleasure overtook her.

Katsuki kept his fingers moving throughout her orgasm, making sure he didn't stop until she was completely wrecked. It was the most attractive thing he'd ever seen; her mouth was wide open as she cried out and he could feel her pulsing around his fingers as she rode out her high. God, he wanted to feel that on his dick.

When the overwhelming sensation subsided, Y/N collapsed in an exhausted heap on his mattress, trying to catch her breath. Bakugou stood up and licked her wetness from his fingers, almost making Y/N cum again from the sight. "Jesus fucking Christ. I've never..." she started, but it was difficult to speak from how numb her body was. Her ears were ringing and her body was still shaking from the aftershocks of her orgasm.

Bakugou leaned over her, resting his hands on either side of her body. "Oh, we're not done. It's my turn now."

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