Chapter 56 - Boyfriend

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"This... never happens," Bakugou grumbled.
He could barely contain his embarrassment. It had been years since he'd lost control like that-- the last he could remember was when he was still a kid. He prided himself on maintaining control, so this was just... embarrassing.

The two of them were standing above the bed examining the damage. The room still smelled of smoke and the two scorch marks on the mattress were impossible to ignore. Bakugou had burned right through-- He was going to have to buy a new one.

"I'll take it as a compliment," Y/N teased. "I'd say you liked it. What do you think?" She nudged him playfully and he glared at her, cheeks still red from humiliation.

"Shut up, Tinkerbell. Tell anyone about this and I'll kill you."

"But Kirishima would lose his goddamn mind if he found out, I gotta--"

Bakugou grabbed her outstretched wrist threateningly and deepened his glare. "Try it. See what happens."

Y/N rolled her eyes and pulled away from him. "Go get me a towel, I'm a mess."

"Do it yourself, lazy ass."

She raised her eyebrows at him. "Without a shirt and covered in your cum? If you insist." Y/N started walking towards the door but Bakugou grabbed her arm and yanked her back onto the bed.

He loomed over her with an angry look in his eye. "If you let anyone else see you like this then I will burn them to a crisp. This is for my eyes only, got it?"

Y/N wasn't amused. "Then get me a fucking towel, nimrod."


Y/N spent the rest of the morning trying to clean up her ransacked room. Most things were still intact, just thrown about in disarray. She was much more annoyed than concerned-- it reminded her of cleaning the workshop. If someone was going to steal her shit, couldn't they do it discreetly?

Her back was starting to hurt from the labor (and her jaw was still a bit sore from that morning). She slumped against the wall and sighed in frustration, pulling her overall strap back onto her shoulder.

Where was Bakugou? If he was her boyfriend, he should be helping, right? What a jackass.

After the majority of the room was cleaned up again, Y/N made her way to the kitchen for lunch, trying to rub the exhaustion from her eyes. Mina, Kaminari, Kirishima and Sero were clumped together on the couch staring in awe at something on Mina's phone.

When Mina looked up from the screen and saw Y/N, she huffed at turned away. "Y/N, I am officially revoking our friendship," She said dramatically. She crossed her arms to show how displeased she was.

"What did I do?"

Mina stood with a start, throwing her hands into the air in dismay. "Why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend?"

Y/N's eyes widened. Had Bakugou already told everyone? It didn't seem like him to spread something like that around.

"Oh. Uh, it's still pretty new, so I haven't really gotten the chance to bring it up," Y/N responded. She could feel her cheeks warming up at the thought. It still felt a bit weird that Bakugou was her boyfriend. That angry blonde actually had feelings for her. "I was gonna tell you soon dude, I promise, I just--"

"I don't wanna hear the excuses!" Mina whined. She darted over to Y/N and grabbed her wrists. "I wanna know the details. Now."

"We all do," Kirishima said, but something in his voice was different. He sounded... upset. "Some of us thought you... had feelings for someone else." There was bitterness in his voice, and hearing that kind of venom from Kirishima was almost scary.

"What the hell? Who else would it be?"

"Who the fuck do you think?" Kirishima shouted. He stood up and walked over to Y/N menacingly. She backed up as he moved towards her, fear starting to grow in her limbs. "You really thought it would be okay to lead him on like that? No fucking way. I'm not gonna stand for it."

"Lead who on?!" Y/N cried.

"What the fuck is going on here?"

Bakugou had stepped between Kirishima and Y/N, a deep glare piercing into his friend's eyes. Within seconds he had Eijirou backing down completely. He didn't dare fuck with him.

"Whatever, man. I'm trying to defend you," Kirishima muttered.

"I can defend myself just fine, Shitty Hair. The hell is happening?"

Kirishima looked at the ground for a minute, debating something with himself before looking back up at Bakugou with newfound determination. "She has a boyfriend, Kat."

"Yeah. Me. Is there a fucking problem?" Bakugou spat.

The whole room was silent for about 3 seconds before everything erupted into chaos. There were so many voices shouting over each other that nobody could distinguish what anyone else was saying.

"SHUT UP!" Y/N shrieked. "Why the fuck is that a surprise to you guys? You said you knew we were dating!"

"No, we said we knew you have a boyfriend," Mina breathed. "We didn't think it was Bakugou!"

Bakugou bristled. "Who the hell did you think it was?"

Mina and Kirishima responded in unison, "Inasa."

"INASA?!" Bakugou roared. "You think Y/N is dating that fuckhead?"

"Everyone does," Kaminari muttered. "It's everywhere. All over twitter and the news."

"Why?" Y/N demanded. "There's nothing happening with me and Inasa. He's nice and all, but no. He's definitely not my fucking boyfriend."

"Yikes," Sero grumbled.

"How did this even happen?" Y/N asked. "Rumors don't usually go this far."

"Well..." Mina started, seeming slightly nervous. "Inasa... confirmed it."

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