Chapter 48 - Departure

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"I'm only gonna be gone for a week, then I'm coming right back!" Y/N laughed.

Christmas was fast approaching and the holidays were making Y/N ache to be back in America. All over her social media feeds were people celebrating and spending time with family-- it was getting a bit sad. She could feel how much she was missing out.

"I'm just gonna miss you so much!" Mina cried. Her head was buried in Y/N's shoulder, absolutely distraught. "What if you like America better and decide not to come back?"

"I dunno, I've lived in America most of my life and it's pretty lousy," Y/N joked. "Plus, All Might invited me back for the next semester. I can't say no to that, right?"

"It's gonna be fine, Mina," Uraraka said, holding back a laugh as she patted her friend's back. "It's only six days."

Mina huffed. "Fine. As long as you promise to come back."

Y/N crossed her heart and raised her hand up. "I promise I will return shortly, m'lady."

Bakugou was watching the interaction from the common room, pretending not to care. It was only a week; the girls were just being dramatic.

Kirishima seemed to notice the look on Bakugou's face and leaned over, whispering in his ear, "How you holdin' up big guy?"

Bakugou glared at him. "The hell are you talking about?"

"Well she slept with someone a few days ago, and now she's leaving to go back home... aren't you upset?"

"I'm fine, Shitty Hair. Fuck off."

"Y'know, it's okay if you are. It's totally natural to--"

"I said I'm fucking fine!" He snapped, praying that nobody was overhearing the conversation.

Y/N approached the two of them, a scarf wrapped around her neck and knitted gloves on her hands. "Goodbye, shitheads. I'll see you in a few," she chirped, leaning down and smothering them in a warm hug.

"Whatever," Bakugou grumbled. He could feel his cheeks getting red at the contact.

"Don't fuck up your gear while I'm gone, or I'll be pissed," she threatened as she walked away. She picked up her small suitcase (she really didn't own that much) and walked out the front door, leaving Mina in the front room throwing a pity party.

A minute or so later, Kirishima pulled something out of his pocket, exaggerating his movements. "Uh oh... what's this?" he said loudly. "It looks like she LEFT her WALLET! Bakugou, you better go run this out to her!"

Bakugou saw through it immediately. "You fucker, you seriously hid her wallet?"

Kirishima grinned at him. "You should be thanking me. Now you have an excuse to talk to her."

"What if I don't take it to her?"

"Then I guess she's gonna miss her flight, cause this is inside," he gloated, pulling out her plane ticket.

Bakugou snarled at him. "You're fucking ridiculous. Gimme that," he snapped. He snatched the wallet from Kirishima's hand and jogged out the front door, leaving his friend laughing on the couch.

He spotted her a ways down the street at the bus station, and just his fucking luck, the bus pulled up.

"Oi! Tinkerbell!" He shouted, but she was too far away to hear him. He groaned in frustration and sprinted towards the bus, watching as she climbed on. Who forgets their fucking wallet anyways?

He was able to reach it just before the doors closed, panting and climbing aboard.

"Hey, where's your ticket?" The bus driver barked.

Bakugou growled at him. "I'm not here for a ride, I'm here to give this to the dumbass who left it," he snapped back. He whipped his head up to scan the seats, looking for that scarf she had on.

"What the hell? Bakugou?" Y/N's head poked up from behind a seat. When she saw it was him, she laughed. "What, you wanna come to the states with me?"

Katsuki stormed down the bus isle and dangled the wallet in front of her. "Who forgets their damn wallet going across the fucking globe?" he yelled. "Seriously, you--"

"Oh, thank you!" She gushed, standing up to take it from him. "Wow, you seriously saved my ass. Really. Thank you, Kat."

The sincerity took him off guard. "Yeah, whatever. Just keep your shit together," he grumbled. He scratched the back of his head as his heart pounded.

Y/N leaned forward and hugged him-- an intimate hug, where her arms were wrapped around his neck tightly. He let himself hug her back this time. Y/N almost short circuited when she felt his strong arms wrapping around her and pulling her closer, not expecting him to hug her back. Both of their hearts raced as he buried his face in her neck; He could smell the black coffee and vanilla. The hug only lasted a few seconds, and he didn't realize he wanted more until she pulled back.

He hadn't been sad about her leaving before, but he was now.

"You better scram before the bus driver tears you a new one," Y/N laughed, motioning to the angry man at the front of the vehicle.

"He can suck my dick," Bakugou grumbled as walked away.

"He'll have to wait in line."

His head snapped around and he stared at her in shock, a jolt running through his body. He was pissed that she'd said something that dirty so nonchalantly.

"Get outta here, Kat," she laughed, putting her headphones in her ears and plopping back down on the seat.

Bakugou climbed off the bus in a bit of a daze with red cheeks, not even noticing the bus driving swearing up a storm at him. 

He'll have to wait in line. The words bounced around in his head and made his pants suddenly feel very uncomfortable.

She was just joking with him. He knew that. She probably didn't actually want to suck his dick; and besides, he didn't want her to. He didn't like when someone else had the power. He never had...

So a blowjob was out of the question, right?

An image flashed in his head of Y/N on her knees underneath him, looking up at him with those doe eyes as she licked and sucked on-- No. No no no. He had never been into the idea of a blowjob before.

So why was he so turned on now?

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