Chapter 24 - Measurements II

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TINKERBELL: We gotta do measurements today for your suit.

The text had been sent at 4 AM. What the hell was Y/N doing awake at 4AM?

The hours that she seemed to be awake and working were beginning to be concerning. Only a few days ago he had received a text from her at 2 AM asking some dumb question about fabrics– so she was staying up late, getting up early, or both. If it was both, that's what worried him.

It was her job to take care of herself, obviously. Bakugou didn't bother himself with the affairs of others; at least, that's how he usually was. He didn't like that he was now thinking about Y/N's sleeping routine and worrying about if she had gotten enough rest, or if she'd eaten breakfast, or if she was too cold. It wasn't his problem.

But his mind wouldn't let it go.

Bakugou's morning workout felt quiet and empty. It was the first time they hadn't been training together since she started enlisting his help, and though he tried to push the feeling down, he wanted her there. He wanted to see her progress and he wanted her to see how powerful he was. The workout seemed to drag on for hours when he didn't have her snarky comments or complaints filling the air.

In the shower, he tried not to think about what he'd done the day before. It was a one time thing, he told himself. Everyone gets horny every once in a while. But remembering it made that familiar feeling of desire start seeping into his veins again, and he showered as quickly as he could to not give in. Definitely just a one time thing.

Even though he was itching to do it again.

After drying off and getting dressed, he shot Y/N a text.

BAKUGOU: I'm coming in now. You better be ready.

He didn't bother putting on the grey uniform jacket. He was still too warm from his shower. He carried it with him down the hall, his hair still wet as he made his way to Y/N's workshop. His heart skipped a beat at the thought of seeing her again.

Y/N hadn't responded to his text, and when he knocked on the door, there was no response. Had she fallen asleep again?

He opened the door and looked around for that familiar head of messy hair. There she was, her head buried in her arm on the worktable: fast asleep. He should've guessed.

"You awake, dumbass?"

No response. He rolled his eyes and trudged over to her, leaning his head down to examine her.

Y/N looked so soft when she slept, he realized. Those stress lines on her forehead were gone. Her breathing was gentle and sweet, and he felt his heart squeeze at the thought. Cute.

Instead of waking her, he left the workshop to wander campus and find some place that served breakfast.

Bakugou never ate at the campus restaurants. They never made things the way he liked. He had always been particular about his food, so when he needed a meal, he usually made it himself. Plus, he didn't really like talking to cashiers. They were too chipper.

Looking at the menu at one of the small corner shops, his mind blanked. Why did menus have to be so fucking complicated? Couldn't they just stick to the basics?

Bakugou's eyes scanned the blackboard above the cashier. He knew she liked black coffee– he had mocked her for it during one of their training sessions. She said it reminded her of shitty American brand drinks, or something dumb like that. Did she like bagels? Whatever. She'd have to settle for a bagel.

"Black coffee and a bagel," He grumbled, slapping 1000 yen on the counter.

The girl gave him a weird look but rang it up and gave him his change, going to the back to grab him his order. "Have a nice day," she said with a dry smile, handing him the bag and the coffee. Bakugou grunted and made his way back to Y/N's workshop.

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