Chapter 58 - New Years Part I

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UA was on break; Japanese New Year celebrations were in full swing.

For the next week students were back home to spend time with family and friends. Most of the streets were shut down due to the overwhelming festivities. and businesses were closed as well. It felt like American Christmas but better. The third year students were enjoying their time off.

Y/N, on the other hand, was staying in a shitty hotel again. Aizawa had apologized and let her know that the building's power and water was going to be shut off during the holidays and paid for her stay in full at the nearby inn. It wasn't as bad as the one she'd stayed at when she first arrived in Japan, but it it definitely wasn't as nice as the dorms by any means. 

She felt a bit lonely. Bakugou hadn't texted her since going back to his parents' place-- she hadn't really expected him too, but it was still disappointing. She considered texting him, but it felt a bit pathetic given her current situation. Plus, Katsuki didn't seem like the verbally affection type. Even just regular conversation seemed hard for him; and he liked his alone time, too. What if he didn't want to hear from her?

Y/N returned to her tinkering project with newfound determination. She needed a distraction. Maybe she could go out later and see the lanterns? As an American, she wasn't sure what was appropriate or not. Would she be mocked if she visited a shrine with the other locals? The smell of oil was enough to silence her thoughts for a bit.

Her phone dinged and she nearly jumped in excitement. When it turned out to be Mina, she tried not to be embarassed at how hopeful she had been that it would be Bakugou. 

MINA: Hey babe! Momo's family is throwing a bonenkai party tonight. You in?

Y/N: The hell is a bonenkai party?

MINA: New years party. The Yaoyorozus are rich as fuck, it's gonna be a banger. But like, a classy one

Y/N: Anything to get out of this shitty hotel. When and where? 

She felt relief wash over her at the thought of finally having something to do. What was she supposed to wear? Was it a formal thing? Knowing Momo, it probably was; but she didn't own anything nice. It was pretty much all overalls and grease stained T-shirts from the states. It was a bit late notice to ask the girls for a dress. Was Bakugou going to be there?

Y/N: You going to that party tonight?

Her heart skipped a beat at having an excuse to talk to him, but it raced even more at how quickly he responded.

BAKUGOU: Hell no, you know I hate parties

The excitement was gone as soon as it came. Of course he wasn't going. Why would he?


"Hold on, are you two drunk?" Jirou grumbled. "Can't you go one fucking party without getting sloshed?"

Mina and Kirishima giggled. Kirishima put a hand on Jirou's shoulder and clicked his tongue. "C'mon, lighten up! Nobody can even tell," He said with a hiccup. Jirou rolled her eyes.

"It was only a shot or two," Mina reassured. "Just wanna keep loose. I wanna get lucky tonight."

Kirishima raised his eyebrows at her. "Oh really? At a Yaoyorozu party?"

Mina scoffed. "Are you kidding? Of course I wanna find a hookup at a Yaoyorozu party. They're all rich boys in suits."

Kirishima didn't seem to be listening to her response; his head was turned towards the entrance of the mansion. "Woah, check it out! Y/N's here! You think she wants a shot?" Jirou smacked the back of his head.

Mina dashed to meet her friend. "You made it! And holy shit, where did you get that dress?" She gushed. "You look incredible."

Y/N laughed. "You think so? I got it at a thrift store, but I'm glad it looks alright." She pulled the front of the dress up to secure her boobs. "My tits keep coming loose though. I think I'm gonna flash everyone if I so much as sneeze."

"I wouldn't be mad," Kaminari teased. Y/N flipped him off.

"What kind of food do they have here? I've been living off of hotel room coffee and complimentary breakfasts," Y/N grumbled. 

Mina laughed. "Pretty much any food you can name. The buffet is in that room there. And uh... if you want some, you know, then let me know and I've got you covered," She said with a wink. 

"I appreciate it, but after last time I don't think it's a good idea for me to ever have another drop."

"Suit yourself," Mina shrugged. "Kaminari! Want some?"

Y/N was stuffing her face at an elegant white table in the corner of the dining hall. Yeah, their house had a dining hall apparently. After filling up her plate she'd made an impromptu exit to finally get some food in her system after a few days of crappy motel food.

Once she finished she slouched into her chair and threw her head back in satisfaction. It had been ages since she'd had a good meal. 

"Hey, can we talk?"

Y/N snapped up. It was Kirishima, scratching the back of his head nervously. He was wearing a black suit that looked a tad big on him. 

"Always," She responded. "Take a seat, man."

He did so, pulling out a chair next to her and putting his elbows on his knees. "I uh... wanted to apologize for the other day."

Y/N frowned. "Huh? For what?"

"When I lashed out at you. I thought that you had been leading Bakugou on while you were seeing someone else, so I... got mad." He fidgeted with his hands a bit. "I've never seen Kat... like someone. I think I got defensive because I didn't want him to... like... get his heart broken."

It was an adorable sentiment that almost brought tears to Y/N's eyes. Could this boy get any more pure?

"No, don't apologize. I get it," Y/N said, leaning forward and putting a hand on his shoulder. "I would do the same. You're a really good friend, Ei."

He flashed her a grin with those pointy teeth of his and she couldn't help but return the smile.

"Hey! You two! Guess who's here?" Kaminari crowed.

They were both equally confused, but then a grumpy looking Katsuki appeared through the doorway. 

He was wearing a red button up with a grey vest over it. Kirishima cackled. "No way! I gave him that same outfit three years ago. Guess he liked it enough to get another in a bigger size."

Y/N was having a hard time breathing. He looked ridiculously handsome in that suit-- he pushed his blonde hair back a bit, scanning the room, and that almost made her pass out in her chair. How could one man be that attractive?

Once Bakugou's eyes landed on Y/N and Kirishima, his eyes flickered with recognition and he pushed through the crowd to join them. He snatched up a chair on his way over with one hand and set it next to Y/N effortlessly. "Fuckin' musty in here," He grumbled, loosening his tie and slumping down next to her.

He turned to Y/N and smirked at how flabbergasted she looked. "You need an inhaler, Tinkerbell?" With his pointer finger he guided her jaw back up to a close. "Nice dress. You wearin' that for me?"

Y/N snapped back to reality. "You fucking wish. You said you weren't coming, asshole. Why'd you show up?"

Bakugou leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. "Felt like it. Fuck off."

Kirishima snickered. "Nah. He missed his girlfriend."

Bakugou pushed the side of Kirishima's head, a small blush painting his cheeks. "Shut it, Shitty Hair."

Y/N hid a smile.

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