Chapter 40 - Confrontation

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It was a relief to be able to sleep in the dorms again. The cots at the precinct had been absolute shit; but she still struggled to get to bed, her mind racing with memories of the kiss. She'd never been touched by someone like that. She'd gotten more out of that damn kiss than any sex she'd ever had. If that's what it was like just kissing him, she couldn't even image what he was like in--

Calm down. Let the situation play out, she thought. The last thing she wanted was to get her hopes up and be let down. Bakugou was not a vulnerable person. Did he even have crushes? There was a big difference between attraction and actually having feelings for someone.

The next morning, Y/N was struggling keeping her temper under control. Did he seriously think it was okay to lock lips with her and then ghost her? She couldn't find him anywhere in the dorms, and it was a Saturday, so he should've been there. Was that fucker hiding?

Y/N stormed into the kitchen, scaring the shit out of poor Kirishima. "Where's Bakugou?" 

"Uh, I think he's training on campus. Everything okay?"

"He just-- yeah. Yeah, everything's fine."

Kirishima stood up, not satisfied with the answer. "Are you alright? What's going on?"

Y/N let out a deep sigh. Surely it was okay to tell Kirishima, right? "He kissed me last night. I'm trying to figure this shit out--"

"HE KISSED YOU?!" Kirishima squawked. "Are we talking about the same person? You said Bakugou, right?" He ran over to her, desperate for information.

"Yes! Bakugou! I'm as confused as you, dude! It was out of the blue, I just don't want to read into it if it didn't mean anything--"

"Bakugou doesn't just kiss people, Y/N. It's not his thing. In fact, his thing is the he hates touching people unless he's beating them up. If he kissed you, then..." Kirishima started laughing. "God, I never thought I'd see the day."

"But he hasn't talked to me," Y/N argued. "It's pissing me off. Who does he think he is? He thinks he can just kiss me and then not say anything to me? What the hell?!" She clenched her fists at her sides, furious. "That's why I need to find him. I need answers. I... don't wanna lose him over something like this."

"Alright, do what you gotta do. I was gonna go get some food later, do you wanna go with me?"

Y/N sighed. "Yes, please."


Sweat was dripping down his chest as he threw punch after punch at the training bag. His skin glistened and his muscles rippled with every hit. Each grunt of determination echoed off the walls. He turned at the sound of the door opening, spotting Y/N and letting out a smirk. 

"You back for more, Tinkerbell?"

She set down her bag. "We need to talk."

He went back to throwing hits at the punching bag. "About what?" he huffed.

Y/N's blood boiled. She stormed over to him. "Seriously? Don't fucking play dumb," she snapped. "Wanna explain what happened yesterday?"

"What about it?" he grumbled. He still didn't turn to her. His hits were getting louder, as if he was trying to drown out the conversation.

Y/N scoffed at him, her temper reaching its limit. She grabbed his arm and yanked him to turn and face her. He glared at her, upset that she interrupted him. "The hell do you want, woman?" he barked.

"Alright, so you're gonna shove your tongue down my throat and then ignore me? What the fuck, Kat?"

He bristled at how blunt she was. The truth was that he was scared. He didn't know why he'd kissed her. He didn't regret it, and he would probably do it again; But he had no idea what that meant. It was too many new things at once, and it was overloading his brain. All he could feel was confusion; but he was pretty sure he liked spending time with her, and he didn't want that to stop. But what the hell did that mean?

"I don't know!" Was all he could muster. "I just... I just wanted to. Fuck off," he grumbled, trying to go back to the punching bag. She grabbed his bicep again, not letting him, and that pissed him off. "The hell do you want from me?"

"I need an explanation, dude," she said.

Bakugou finally stopped. He didn't like being confronted about this. He'd always been so horrible with words, especially in situations like this. What was he supposed to say? That he hadn't thought about anybody sexually in years until a few months ago? That he still had no idea what these feelings were, that he couldn't control himself around her and he hated it? Last night had been a complete loss of inhibitions; and though he loved kissing her, he didn't know how to deal with the consequences.

Y/N waited in hopeful anticipation. All she wanted was some kind of confirmation that he liked her, that she wasn't just some fling. She didn't need much, but Bakugou refused to give her anything. Her stomach dropped when his gaze didn't leave the punching bag in front of him.

Maybe Bakugou did regret it-- that would explain the silence.

"Fine. I can tell you're going through some shit right now. We... we can talk once you've figured yourself out, okay?" she grumbled. She picked up her bag and walked out, a disappointed look on her face. "I've got plans with Kiri. Text me if you need me."

She was out the door before he could force himself to say something. 

Bakugou thrusted his palm at the punching bag in frustration, releasing an enormous blast that shook the building. When the smoke cleared he slumped to the floor. He was angry with himself for not saying something, but he didn't know what to say. He was still so confused, and those damn butterflies in his stomach still hadn't died down. He was thinking about that kiss every minute, wanting more but being so scared about it at the same time.

Katsuki didn't have crushes. He'd gone his entire highschool experience watching his friends date, sleep around, catch feelings for each other-- but he hadn't cared. It always felt like a waste of time. He had goals and aspirations, things he had to work at; wouldn't a crush just get in the way of that?

But when he pictured Y/N, something inside him stirred to life. He ached to touch her, talk to her, make her blush and laugh all over again. Her presence was intoxicating. Bakugou had never wanted to spend time with someone as much he did with her. He liked being around her. Things that were usually difficult for him felt easier around her, and things that were supposed to be easy were difficult. His world had been flipped on his head and he didn't know what to do about it.

Bakugou didn't like not having control. That's one of the big reasons he never had crushes. He'd seen what they did to people; Kaminari could barely breathe around Jirou. But now Bakugou was having that problem with Y/N.

The truth was, he had kissed Y/N and loved every second of it. Even thinking about it again made shivers run through his body and his heart pound. It was addicting sensation, and he couldn't help but want more. His body was yearning for her, and once again, that lack of control drove him insane. He couldn't get a fucking handle on his emotions. He'd jerked off to her for fuck's sake.

What the hell was he going to do?

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