Chapter 60 - New Years Part II

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CONTENT WARNING: Alcohol consumption

The video above is recommended music for the chapter but not necessary. Any party / dancing music will do, so have fun with it. ;)


"You're seriously not gonna dance with your girlfriend? That's cold," Sero accused, shaking his head at Bakugou.

"Fuck off," Bakugou retorted. "You know I don't do that shit."

The room was dim and the lights were far too strobe-like and colorful for Bakugou's liking. It was disorienting and made him feel nauseous. Why did people like parties? This was horrible.

Bakugou was sitting at a corner table with Sero who was trying to keep together a tipsy Mina. Bakugou had his arms crossed as he slumped down further into the chair, sulking. He still hadn't had any time alone with her to ask her over for dinner-- plus, he was embarrassingly nervous to bring it up. What if she didn't want to meet his parents? It had only been four days.

"Every potential hookup here is the worst," Mina whined. "They're all such pretentious assholes. I wanted to get laid feeling classy tonight. I just feel like shit."

Sero sighed. "Men ain't shit, Mina. You can do better than those sleazebags." He paused, looking her in the eye. "You deserve better than that."

Bakugou watched as Sero and Mina stared at each other, feeling very out of the loop at the strange energy that filled the room. The hell was going on with them?

The awkwardness was a bit much and he got up to get a drink of water, glancing at Y/N on his way over to the refreshments table as music blasted through the room. He was never a fan of music like this-- too disorderly. The lyrics were garbage, too. He scoffed as he poured himself a plastic cup of water and stared at Whirlwind on the dancefloor.

Y/N wasn't a professional dancer by any means, but she didn't seem to care. Her confidence more than made up for it. Once she made eye contact with Bakugou, she waved him over as she danced. He shook his adamantly. 

No way, He mouthed.

She gave him a dramatic pout and puppy dog eyes that almost made him fold, but someone bumped into her and she seemed to get lost in the music again as she whipped her hair around. She was too cute for her own good.

He hid a smirk as he guzzled down his water and crushed the cup for the garbage. 

"Bakubro!" Kirishima cackled. The red haired boy put almost all of his weight onto Bakugou's shoulder with his arm, his other hand holding a paper bag that was obviously hiding alcohol. "Y'know, I didn't think you'd show. I'm glad you did though." He seemed to catch on that Bakugou wasn't listening and snickered. "Go dance with her."

Bakugou snapped his attention to his friend with a glare. "Fuck no." 

"What, you nervous? It's not hard, man, you just gotta move your hips." Kirishima raised his hands and gyrated his torso, bumping into an annoyed Bakugou as he did so. "Go grind on your girl before someone else does."

"No one is gonna grind on her," Bakugou grumbled, rolling his eyes.

"Well... I wouldn't be so sure," Kirishima laughed. He pointed towards the dance floor at the scene that was unfolding. 

Kaminari, dressed to the nines and slicking his hair back with determination, was strutting over to an unsuspecting Y/N with a devilish look in his eye. Once he reached her, he started dancing with her wholeheartedly as Y/N laughed at his enthusiasm. Soon the two of them were in perfect sync and having a total blast as the music lead them on.

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