Chapter 91- Love Potion 13

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"Won't we get in trouble?" Y/N muttered.

Bakugou was standing before the wall of expensive alcohol with his arms crossed over his chest, viewing their options. "Why would we?"

"Cause we're still technically a few months away from the legal drinking age for Japan. I don't wanna get fined."

"Relax," Bakugou said. He grabbed a bottle from the shelf, read the contents, and put it back to find a different one. "They're not coming outta that cockpit until the flight's over."

"You don't know that."

The next bottle he observed was smaller than the rest with a heart shaped cork on the top. "Yeah I do. I opted for a 'don't disturb' trip. We're not seein' them again unless there's an emergency."

"The hell is a 'don't disturb' trip? That's really a thing?"

"For a fucking flight like this it is," He chuckled, gripping the neck of the pink bottle and examining the label. Love Potion 13. What the hell was that supposed to mean? It looked like regular alcohol.

"Whatcha find?"

Katsuki flinched when he realized Y/N was trying to peek over his shoulder and he frantically shoved it back on the shelf with the others, the clinking of the bottles ringing through the cabin. "Nothing," He snapped. "I'm finding a different one."

"Aww, you didn't like the cute little heart on the top?" Y/N joked with a lilt in her voice. Before Bakugou could protest she had already grabbed it for herself to observe and he mentally kicked himself for not putting it out of her reach.

"Were you considering smuggling me a love potion, Kat?" Her teasing voice was sing-songy and sickly sweet and it did nothing to help the awkward nerves he had.

"Love potions aren't real, dumbass," He muttered.

"Duh. This bottle's pretty though, huh?" She held it up to observe it under the hanging lights. Shimmers of rainbow light bounced off the crystal bottle and the heart topper seemed to be glowing a soft pink. "Damn. It feels wrong to open something this beautiful." She turned to look at Katsuki who was now eyeing her cautiously, waiting with a poorly hidden curiosity at what her next move might be. "Hmm. Feels more wrong to waste the opportunity."

He kept quiet and continued to watch as she grabbed the heart at the top, twisting slowly and eventually pulling it up. Weirdly enough, it wasn't a cork– it was a liquid dropper similar to a pipette. "Ooh, fancy," Y/N laughed. "Weird way to take a shot, but... when in Rome."

Without another word she lifted the vial to her lips and squeezed the contents onto her tongue.

"Wait a minute!" Bakugou snapped, grabbing the bottle and dropper from her hands. "We don't even know what's in this stuff."

"Uhh, alcohol, right? Isn't that the point?" Y/N retorted. She smacked her lips a few times. "Woah. That's definitely the best alcohol I've ever had. Tastes like... peach, I think. Like candied peaches. Holy shit, that's delicious!" She squeezed her eyes shut in bliss and tried to savor what was left on her tongue.

Bakugou wasn't listening. His eyes raked over the label, reading in silence for a moment before he looked back at her with an odd look on his face that Y/N couldn't decipher.


"Um. You, uh... might start feeling a little weird."

"Again, isn't that the fucking point?"

Bakugou didn't know what else to do except to hand it back over so she could read it for herself.


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