Chapter 59 - Family Breakfast

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"Hey! 'Suki! Your damn breakfast is getting cold!"

"Mitsuki, cut him a break dear, he isn't going to be here that much longer..."

Bakugou groaned and rolled over. He always thought that he was the early bird, but that was pretty much nothing compared to his parents. Both of them were always up at the crack of dawn for work-- about 5:30 AM. Why did they rope him into it?

After rubbing his eyes and stretching, he hobbled down the stairs to the kitchen where his parents sat waiting for him. 

"You don't have to wait for me," He grumbled. He sat down at his chair and rubbed his face a bit, still trying to shake the sleep from his body. "We never do this. What's the deal?"

"We rarely get to see you! We want to take advantage of your time back home," His dad beamed. He was sipping a small cup of tea; it seemed he'd already eaten his breakfast.

"Ungrateful," Mitsuki snapped. "I make you breakfast and you're acting like a brat."

"I don't even like coffee, ma," Bakugou grumbled. He took a bite of the pancakes in front of him. "...The pancakes are good though."

"Damn right they are," Mitsuki boasted.

Masaru smiled at his son and wife, happy that he could spend time with them together again even if it was for only a week. "How's school going? Have you decided what agency you want to work for? You've got so many offers, it must be impossible to choose," He said.

"I hate 'em all. They're a bunch of poser assholes."

Mitsuki choked on her water a bit, stifling a laugh. Masaru gave her a look that quieted her.

"Oh c'mon, they can't be that bad, right?" Masaru offered. "Have you at least thought on it?"

Bakugou rolled his eyes. "There's no point. I'm better than them, why would I work for them?"

Mitsuki flicked Bakugou's forehead. "Don't brag, it's impolite!"

"It's true!" Bakugou hollered.

Masaru pushed his wife's arm away from the assault on Bakugou. "Then what are your plans?" He said, clearly trying to ignore Mitsuki's glare.

Bakugou paused for a bit, chewing his bite longer than necessary. He wasn't sure how to tell them-- the plans weren't obsolete. It was still just an idea in his head. He didn't know the first thing about starting his agency, but... it felt right. It felt like what he was meant to do.

"Dunno yet," He lied. "I'll figure it out. Lay off."

His phone buzzed and he was glad to have the conversation end. He pulled out his phone and read a few dozen texts from Kirishima; most of them were pointless, but the last few seemed important. He sighed and shot him back a text.

SHITTY HAIR: Bonenkai party tonight at the Yaoyorozu's. Be there at 8!!

BAKUGOU: No fucking thanks

SHITTY HAIR: Bro I promise it'll be fun Mina is bringing drinks and they hired a DJ

BAKUGOU: I don't drink and you guys have shitty taste in music

He turned off his phone to ignore the persistent buzzing. A party at some rich family's mansion sounded like the opposite of a good time to him. His phone buzzed again and he went to silence it but saw a text from Y/N. His heart skipped a beat.

TINKERBELL: You going to that party tonight?

BAKUGOU: Hell no, you know I hate parties

Epic. Totally nailed it. He took a bite of his pancakes feeling proud. 

"Who are you texting?" His dad asked. "Are you still friends with that red haired boy?"

"Eijirou," Bakugou corrected. "And no, that's not who I'm texting."

Mitsuki gasped. "Is it a girl? Are you texting a girl?" When Bakugou's cheeks turned a bit red and he didn't respond, Mitsuki nearly shrieked with excitement. "Masaru! Katsuki's is talking to a girl! You know, for a while there we thought you weren't ever gonna--"

"Oh my god, stop," Bakugou groaned. 

"But this is exciting! How serious is it?"

Bakugou didn't say anything again, an awkward silence filling the room, and Mitsuki jumped to her feet and slammed her fists on the table. "YOU DUMBASS! You finally get a girlfriend and you don't let me know? I need to meet her! Why haven't you invited her over yet?!"

"Calm the fuck down! We only started dating like 4 days ago!" Bakugou barked, slamming his fists on the table too. "No way in hell am I bringing her over if you're gonna act like a crazy hag!" He pointed an accusatory finger at his mom.

"Let's all take a deep breath--" Masaru started, but was quickly interrupted when Mitsuki shot him a death glare. He shrunk back into his chair.

"If you fuck this up I'm not letting you back home," Mitsuki spat at Bakugou. She sat down in her chair and her demeanor changed from threatening to sickeningly sweet. "So tell us about her! What's she like?"

"Mind your damn business."


"God, fine!" He clenched his fists and stared at his half-eaten pancakes awkwardly. "She's... cool."

His parents waited in earnest, and this time Masaru was upset. "That's it? C'mon, 'Suki, you can give us more than that. Is she a hero? Is she pretty?"

"Of course she's pretty, old man! The goddamn prettiest girl on the fucking planet," He snapped, shoveling more food into his mouth in anger. He refused to look his parents in the eye. "She's an American hero. Number three."

Mitsuki gripped her hair. "You're dating one of the top heroes in the world... and you didn't tell me?" She breathed. She turned to her husband with a crazed look in her eye. "Masaru, I'm gonna kill him. I'm really gonna do it this time."

"We must have her over for dinner," Masaru exclaimed. "I can't wait to meet her! It'll be wonderful. What kind of food does she--"

"No fucking way. Not a chance."

"This is not up for discussion, Katsuki," Mitsuki hissed. "I'm going to invite her over for dinner whether you're there or not. I suggest you come if you don't want old embarrassing photos to be displayed at the dinner table."

Bakugou knew his mother was serious and sighed in frustration. "Fine! Jesus, get off my case. If you do anything weird, I'll kill both of you."

His parents clapped excitedly. "Perfect! It'll be so great!" Mitsuki said. "When do you see her next?"

"When school starts up again I guess."

"Aren't you seeing her for New Years?"

Bakugou paused. "Uh, no. Wasn't planning on it."

"But the Yaoyorozus are throwing that big party tonight," Masaru argued. "You'll see her there, won't you?"

"Not going."

Mitsuki rolled her eyes. "I swear to God, Kat. You are going to that party and you're going to invite her to dinner tomorrow night. Understood?"

He wasn't getting out of it and he knew it.

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