Chapter 77 - Intervention

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"Who did you call?"

"Suck my dick."

"What did you tell them?"

"Suck my dick."

"What did you tell them?" 

"Suck my dick and die."

It had been a day since the Inasa lookalike had taken her to the plane using that god awful phasing quirk of his. This time, luckily, it didn't injure her-- but it was still disorientating and made her nauseous (though the nausea could've been from the concussion).

He had strapped her in one of the chairs in first class. The straps were frustratingly sturdy and no matter how much Y/N fidgeted and swore they wouldn't budge. She'd yelled and screamed to no avail; it seemed no one was coming.

The interrogation had just started.

"You do realize we are fully capable of hurting you, right?" The man said. He was wearing a suitcoat and slacks, appearing very much like an asshole real estate agent. Y/N wanted to kick him in his stuck-up face.

"Do it, asshat."

The man backhanded her. The sting was grounding and she tasted a bit of blood from where her tooth had cut the inside of her cheek.

"You hit like a bitch."

Another blow-- this time a punch to the nose. Okay, that one hurt. Her eyes watered instinctively and she groaned. Warm blood trickled from her throbbing face.

"You think punching me is gonna make me wanna fuck Inasa? You guys are mental."

The man growled a bit under his breath. Before pulling out his phone and dialing a number. Y/N watched through hooded eyes as he held the ringing phone to his ear and stared at her.

"Bring him in. I think he can get her to talk," He said.

Y/N rolled her eyes. "I hope he's better at punching than you."

The man scoffed. "No punching this time. Just talking." He slid open the door to the next plane compartment and Inasa was shoved into the room.

He was just as bruised and bloody as she was.


"Has he slept?" Denki mumbled.

"Not a wink," Jirou sighed. "He just... stares at that stupid radar. He looks like shit."

Their group of friends watched from the corner of the communications room. It had been a full day since Y/N's phone call. After filling in the police and calling several agencies, a team had been assigned to Y/N's recovery. 

They'd been able to secure a flight on one of Endeavor's jets thanks to Todoroki and had arrived at a precinct in Providence, one of the biggest cities in Rhode Island and the perfect middle-way between every airport. For a lot of them it was the first time they'd practiced their English, though Kaminari had never paid attention in class and ended up using google translate for his conversations.

They'd slept at the precinct in preparation for the next day, when Y/N would likely be arriving by plane. Bakugou and Aizawa stayed in the communications room with one of the engineers, scanning the radar for any incoming planes. 

Through the window of the closed door they could see Bakugou hunched over the desk staring up at the monitor. He hadn't looked away for hours, leaning into a worried depression that none of his friends had ever seen from him before.

"I think you should take this," Sero whispered softly to Kirishima. "He'll listen to you."

Eijirou nodded, standing up from his spot on the floor next to his boys and making his way to the door. He knocked gently before entering, rubbing the sleep from his eyes a bit. 

Aizawa was standing in the corner of the room watching the screens almost as intently as Bakugou. It was a surprise to Kirishima.

"Sir, with all due respect... why are you here?"

Aizawa paused before speaking, mulling over his words. "I was responsible for Y/N. She was supposed to be under my supervision at UA." Eijirou looked at his teacher sadly, not knowing what to say. Fortunately Aizawa broke the silence and walked over to Kirishima to put a hand on his shoulder, speaking quietly enough that Katsuki couldn't hear him. "Talk to him, please. He won't listen to me." With that, he exited the room to leave Kirishima and Bakugou alone together.

Eijirou turned to his best friend who still hadn't looked away from the screen. He took a deep breath and stepped up to him. "Hey, Bakubro."

Bakugou didn't respond, staring at the radar through the dark circles of his eyes. His sweatshirt engulfed him like a cocoon. Jirou was right-- he did look like shit.

"Kat," Kirishima said softly. He reached his hand out and put it on his best friend's shoulder. "You need to eat. Or sleep. You need to take care of yourself."

"Not hungry." Bakugou's voice was raspy with sleepiness.

"I know, but you need to anyway. You need to leave this room."

"I'm fine, Ei."

"No, you're not." Kirishima bent down onto his knees so that he was closer to Bakugou. "Why are you doing this?"

"We have to be ready," Katsuki grunted. "We don't know when the damn plane is coming."

"And that's why you need to take care of yourself, you need to--"

"I said I'm fucking fine, Shitty Hair!" Bakugou snapped. "Leave me alone!"

"No," Kirishima said. "Look at me, Kat."

Bakugou ignored him. "Fuck off."

"Look at me," Kirishima demanded, this time grabbing both of Katsuki's arms and turning him to face him.

"Stop it, Ei! I need to watch! I need to--"

Kirishima cut him off with a hug, pulling Katsuki's face into his chest for the embrace. Bakugou thrashed at first, annoyed, but after a few seconds he stopped. His hands lifted up and gripped the back of Kirishima's sweatshirt.


"I know."

"I can't help her. I fucking hate this."

"I know."

After a moment of Bakugou's heavy breathing he pulled away. His eyes were puffy and red-- had he been crying? As quick as Kirishima had seen it, Bakugou wiped his eyes removing any evidence.

"Go and eat."

"What if I leave and her plane gets here?"

"Then we'll go and get her. I'll watch the radar for you while you get some shut-eye, okay?"

Bakugou sat and thought on what Kirishima said for a moment, then climbed to his feet with hesitation in his step. "You'll tell me if you see something, right?"


Bakugou bit his lip. He didn't want to leave this in someone else's hands, but if it was Kirishima... it might be okay.

"Oh, and Kat? Go shower."

Bakugou rolled his eyes but a hint of a smile crept onto his face. When he opened the door, Sero and Kaminari had prepared him a plate of food. His eyes widened in surprise.

"Gotta be ready to go save your girl, right?"

Bakugou shook his head and chuckled. "Whatever, idiots."

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