Chapter 75 - Nothingness

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"You..." Y/N breathed. "YOU!" 

Inasa watched on in terror as Y/N's breathing increased and her face contorted into blinding rage. "Listen, I get it, but now is not the time, okay? God, I've been looking for you everywhere,"  He breathed.

"Shut up. Shut the fuck up," Y/N interrupted. "You've got a lot of balls showing your face to me after the shit you pulled, you know that?" She took a step towards him and he stepped back.

"I know, I know! Will you just listen? This isn't about that. If you don't--"

"Why'd you do it, huh? Were you pissed I rejected you? Needed some attention? Listen here, fucktwat, if you don't fix this shit in the next day, I will personally tear you to fucking shreds." She was jabbing her finger towards him now, the anger almost palpable in the air.

"SHUT UP AND LISTEN!" Inasa cried. "This isn't about some dumb scandal, you don't understand. I'm trying to--"

Y/N cut him off by putting two fingers in her mouth and letting out an ear-piercing whistle. "HEY! FOR ANY PAPPARAZI PERVING AROUND RIGHT NOW, WE ARE NOT DATING! WE ARE NOT TOGETHER!"

"Stop it! Now! You're going to get us both--"


In a flash, Inasa grabbed Y/N's throat with one hand and her torso with the other, using his quirk to fly them into the air and onto a nearby skyscraper, setting her down. "You need to listen! They're after you. They're after both of us," Inasa snapped. "We have to get out of here--"

Y/N wasn't listening. In her raging fury she grabbed him by her jacket collar and launched them off the top before spinning him around and pushing him through the window. The sound of the glass shattering at his back was deafening as he slammed into the carpet of the top floor. 

This time, she didn't yell. Inasa's eyes widened at her on top of him, her boot pinning him down by his chest. "If you lay your hands on me again, you won't take another breath. Got that, airhead?"

"I had to get you to shut up!" He croaked. "They are going to hurt us, do you understand? We are in deep shit. If you don't listen to me you're going to get us both killed."

"By who?"


Y/N paused and lifted her foot from his chest. "...What?"

"Once we get the hell out of here then I can explain, okay? But I'm on your side. I'm not trying to get in your pants, or whatever you think this is. I need you to listen."

Y/N took a step back, giving Inasa the opportunity to climb to his feet. "You better start making some sense. I'm losing patience."

He rubbed the back of his head and scowled as he stood up. "The broken window was unnecessary," He mumbled.

"You're not even bleeding. Grow up. Oh, and for the record, don't touch any woman like that ever again. Period."

Before Inasa was able to urge them to leave, the room started ringing. It was a high pitched noise that made both of them cry out and hunch over with their hands clamped over their ears. When Y/N looked up room was shrouded in darkness-- not even Inasa could be seen through the black.

The sound started causing her head to ache and the volume was only increasing. She squeezed her eyes shut in pain and mentally begged whatever was happening to end.

Something cold grabbed her by her hair before a white hot pain spilled from her forehead.

Everything faded into nothingness.


God, it hurt. It hurt like a motherfucker. She could feel it before she even woke up.

"Ah, here she comes! Wakey wakey, beautiful!"

The volume of the voice was too much. Y/N winced and blinked her eyes open. "Jesus fuck. Fucking ow." She waited to allow herself to get used to the lights.

"You've got a bit of a sailor's mouth, don't you?" It was the same voice-- this time, laughing a bit. A woman.

Once Y/N's vision was stable she examined her surroundings. Was she... lying down? Yes, in the bed of what looked like a 5-star resort suite. It was unfairly comfortable for the shitty situation she was in.

There was a woman sitting down on the bed next to her. She had an unsettling smile. The way she looked at Y/N was... off-putting, to say the least.

"Where the hell am I? Why does my head feel like it's..." Y/N trailed off. She raised her arm and let her fingers dance over her forehead. She was bandaged. "It was all black. What the hell happened?"

"I'm so sorry about that unpleasantness. Inasa can be so difficult sometimes... and my husband wanted to ensure that we got you here. He goes a bit overboard with his quirk."

"His quirk?"

"He can phase, y'see. Kind of like teleporting. That's how we brought you here," The woman said with a smile, turning and gesturing to the fancy room. "Isn't it nice? It's a family favorite."

Y/N was losing her composure. "Who are you? Who fucked with my head?"

"I'm Inasa's aunt," The woman said. "And I'm sorry about the injury; sometimes the phasing, when done too quickly, can be a bit... messy. Your body seemed to have had more difficulty than most." She leaned down and caressed Y/N's bandaged forehead with a sad expression. "It should heal up in no time, though. Are you hungry?"

Y/N pushed the woman's hand away. "No. I wanna go home. You aren't answering my questions. Where am I?"

The woman sighed and sat back. "It doesn't really matter where we are, dear. We aren't going to be here much longer."

Y/N glared. "I'm not going anywhere. I wanna go home."

"You will, in due time. There's some things we need to go over first. I'm sure Inasa has told you some filthy rumors about us..." She stood up and made her way over to the dresser, fiddling with a box of jewelry. "It seems stubbornness comes with that wonderful quirk of yours, doesn't it? Hopefully that doesn't pass on..."

Y/N sat up, ignoring the throbbing of her head. "Am I being kidnapped or some shit? Seriously, what the fuck is going on?"

The woman slammed the jewelry box shut. "Language, Y/N."

Y/N climbed to her feet as the world spun around her. God, her head hurt. Without saying anything she hobbled over to the door and jingled the handle. Locked. She cursed under her breath before sighing and turning around to face the woman. "What do you want?"

"Cooperation. Just for a little bit, and then you'll do it willingly, I promise."

Y/N grit her teeth. "Where are we going?"

"Rhode Island," The woman said. "Our flight leaves tonight, actually. I suggest you get some rest before we leave."

"Is this... is this about that quirk marriage shit?"

This time the woman stopped. Her composed aura faded for a moment before she smiled again. 

"It's more complicated than that, dear. You don't know the power you hold."

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