Chapter 83 - Crossroads

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Was she really going through with this?

Yes. This is what I want. 

Y/N had fought her entire upbringing to get where she was in the hero industry. She'd gone through hell and back for status and power, even climbing up the ranks in America to number three. It was fun, sure... but not always.

As wonderful as it was to make a difference through on-the-field engagement, there was so much that this life had come with that she didn't prepare for... that she didn't want. She never expected the media to tear her reputation to shreds, the political feuds, the dark underside of law enforcement. She never expected the damage to her character, her trust, her body. The injuries she had acquired were going to permanently change her life and there was no going back.

She stared up at the Hawks Agency skyscraper and took a deep breath before opening the door. 

The cold air felt nice-- it was her first time going out in public with the facial bandage removed since the incident and the AC from the building felt relieving. There was still a bit of aching near her brow and the mark was definitely going to stay for a long time, but much of the stinging pain was gone. 

Originally, she had been self-concious about the mark and grotesque stitches, but Todoroki had given her a confidence boost in talking about his scar. Scar buddies, he had said. Y/N smiled slightly at the memory. 

That same lovely looking secretary sat at the front desk and looked up as Y/N approached. Y/N suddenly realized that it may not be the right outfit for the situation, but pushed it down when she remembered what she was here for. It didn't matter that she was in casual clothes.

It was impossible to ignore the woman's eyes dart to the wound on her face then quickly back to make eye contact, embarassed from staring. 

"Ah, hello miss!" The secretary said in a sing-song voice. "Hawks is in his office. I believe he's looking forward to seeing you... he's the first door on your right on the top floor."

Guilt clouded Y/N's mind before she nodded politely and made her way to the elevator. Keigo was not going to like what she had to say.

When she arrived outside of Hawk's door, she second guessed herself again. What if she was making a huge mistake? 

No. This is what I want.

She took another deep breath before opening to door. Hawks was at his desk, diligently writing away until he noticed her. When he did, he looked up and smiled. "Y/N. Come sit."

She obeyed. The atmosphere of the meeting was much different from the interview-- was that because of what was about to happen? Was it in her head, or did Hawks already know what she was going to say?

Y/N's heart raced as she took a seat opposite him. This is what I want, She reminded herself.

"It looks like you're making a quick recovery," He remarked as he leaned back in his chair.

Y/N scoffed, unable to maintain her professionalism. "Not fucking quick enough. I had to stay in that shitty hospital for two weeks--" She paused when she noticed Keigo snickering at her complaining and shut her mouth. "I mean... yeah. Quick recovery." She sat up straighter in her chair, upset at herself for being unable to stay formal. Maybe her swearing was more of a problem than she thought.

"The media seem to be in a frenzy over the trial," Hawks said with a sigh. He tossed a newspaper across the desk in front of her; the cover sported various photos of the Yoarashi family with the headline PERFECT YOARASHI FAMILY EXPOSED FOR MURDER AND KIDNAPPING. It appeared the family was more well known than she thought.  

The photos made her stomach turn. She didn't want to look at it anymore. Hawks seemed to take the hint and placed it back in his stack of papers.

"But let's get to it. You're still supposed to be on medical leave-- why did you come to see me?" His face was laced with suspicion and curiosity as he leaned across his desk. 

Y/N bit her lip. There wasn't really any coming back from this. This is what I want.

"I uh... I'm quitting."

Hawks raised an eyebrow at her. "Don't wanna come back to my agency, huh?" He leaned back and bit the end of his pen. "I suppose I get it. The media never liked us working together--"

"Not your agency," Y/N interrupted. "I mean like... pro hero work."

Something flickered in Hawks eyes as he processed her words. "You want to quit being a pro hero?"

Y/N nodded. This is what I want. The mantra repeated in her head like a song. The more she talked, the better she felt.

Keigo tilted his head a bit in confusion. "But... why? I watched you climb the ranks in America. You've always wanted this."

She looked down at her hands in her lap. "Yeah, I did. But I'm... kinda tired, man. I don't think I like it anymore."

"You haven't worked for an agency since before the All For One situation."

"I know," Y/N grumbled. "But the idea of going back makes me... I dunno. I just don't want to anymore. I don't think I can put up with any more injuries or bounties or kidnappings or whatever."

Hawks sighed. "You don't even want to give it another try?"

Y/N shook her head. "I've thought about it for a while. I'm just not happy being a pro hero. I... don't think I ever was. Maybe I wanted to feel liked, or powerful, or some other shitty thing like that; but any perks that came with it were drowned out by the bad stuff."

There was a moment of silence as Keigo thought on Y/N's words. Eventually he shrugged his shoulders and smiled. "Whelp, you're a big girl, you can make your own decisions."

"Yeah, I guess so."

"What are you going to do?"

Y/N couldn't hold back the small grin that crept to her lips. "Well... heroes need Tinkers, right?"

That was what she wanted. 

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