Chapter 82 - Reunion

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It had been about 3 days since they had retrieved Y/N and Inasa from the Yoarashi's. Bakugou and Kirishima's recoveries had been relatively quick with Recovery Girl; they only had a few burns and scrapes from the explosion.

Y/N, on the other hand, had been in much worse condition. With a skull fracture already in place, the explosion of the plane had caused a 'depressed skull fracture' according to the doctors. Bakugou sat on the floor outside of the operating room as they performed the surgery, refusing to leave. When it got late Kirishima took him back to the dorms and forced him to sleep. You wanna be able to take care of her when she wakes up, right? He had said. The words worked and Bakugou slumped into his bed.

The next morning, Kirishima, Sero, Mina and Kaminari accompanied Bakugou to the hospital again.

"I hate these bandages, they're itchy as fuck. And the cafeteria food here is shit," Bakugou grumbled as he scratched away at the bandage on his cheek.

"Stop bitching, you get to take them off tomorrow," Mina said with an eye roll. "You're lucky you only got a few burns doing what you did."

"It definitely wasn't his smartest move," Sero chuckled. "Running into a literal ticking time bomb."

Bakugou glared at them for their teasing. "She was in there. What the hell did you want me to do?"

"Don't get us wrong, we're glad you did it, it was just... risky," Mina said. "If you'd only been a few seconds later then you three would be as dead as Inasa's dad." Sero coughed loudly and motioned his head to the side. Mina turned to see Inasa standing there and slapped a hand over her mouth. "Oh my god, Inasa, I'm so sorry, I--"

"Don't be sorry. I'm glad he's dead."

There was an awkward silence as the group stared at him in shock. "Uh... alright. Glad it worked out then," Mina mumbled.

Inasa was wearing a cast from a broken arm and he had a rather ugly bruise on the side of his head, but other than that he seemed to be in good condition. "Once the trial is over then it'll make everyone's lives easier. I'm glad my dad is dead... the trial would've been a lot harder with him here."

"Why?" Sero asked.

Inasa scratched the back of his head. "My dad has avoided the law for years with his connections, but hopefully with him gone, the rest of my family will finally go to jail. What they did to Y/N is despicable-- they should rot for a long time."

Bakugou chuckled a bit at that, peering up at Inasa from across the table. It was odd how someone he despised so strongly only a few days ago was now an ally. "Looks like they didn't fuck you up too bad."

Inasa laughed. "Yeah, Y/N definitely got the worst of it. She... didn't make anything easy for them. She fought every step of the way. Made it harder for herself, but it looks like it payed off."

The group burst out laughing and Inasa was a bit surprised at their reactions. "That's our girl," Kirishima said. "She'd never go down without a fight." He shifted over on the cafeteria bench and gestured for Inasa to sit. Inasa did so, looking a bit flustered and excited at being invited to join the group.

For another hour or two they swapped stories and chatted amongst each other. They joked about their injuries and bragged about their accomplishments during the mission. It was a sweet moment, but Bakugou had a hard time enjoying himself knowing that Y/N was still in recovery.

He stood up from the table and made his way to Y/N's hospital room while his friends were distracted. When he arrived at the door he peered through the window and, to his surprise, Y/N was sitting up in bed and talking with a doctor. Unable to stop himself he slammed the door open.

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