Chapter 63 - New Years Part V

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"Are they acting weird, or is it just me?" Sero grumbled. His eyes were on Y/N and Bakugou who were standing against the wall-- Bakugou was towering over her with a smirk on his face and one arm stabilizing himself and the other on his hip. Y/N had a deep blush growing from her neck and she was glaring at him.

"That's probably my bad, I kind of got Bakugou to drink earlier," Kirishima admitted. He scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "Didn't think he had that much, but I guess he's a bit of a lightweight."

Mina frowned. "How the hell did you get him to drink? I thought he swore off of it after..."

"He did," Kirishima interrupted. "I was kind of hoping that trying it again, with Y/N this time, would kind of... make it better for him or something." The three of them looked up at Bakugou who was now laughing at something Y/N had said. "I guess it worked."

"I swear Y/N changed her makeup," Mina said, squinting as she examined her friend from across the room. "Where did they go after the fight?"

"I think Momo sent Y/N to sober him up upstairs... holy shit," Sero made the realization halfway through his sentence. "No wonder Bakugou is in a good mood. Looks like someone got laid."

Kaminari laughed. "Damn. I'll be honest, when Y/N got to Japan I did not think that it would be Bakugou that she'd end up with."

"I didn't think she'd end up with anybody. She didn't really seem like the dating type," Mina said, taking a sip of whatever hellish concoction Kaminari had made for her. "They're an odd pair."

"I like it," Kirishima said with a smile. "I think it works. She keeps him grounded and he gives her confidence." He crossed his arms proudly and admired his friend who was now pointing an accusatory finger at a laughing Y/N. "Look at him, all grown up."


"God, it's cold out here," Y/N grumbled with a shiver. "If I knew we were gonna do this outside I would've brought a coat."

Kaminari shrugged off his suit jacket and started to hand it to Y/N. "Hey, you can wear my--"

Before he could even finish the sentence Bakugou swatted Kaminari's hand away and gave him a death glare as he handed his own jacket to Y/N. He gave the I'm-watching-you signal threat before standing at attention next to Y/N again. Kirishima held back a laugh-- Y/N didn't even seem to notice what had happened.

"The countdown isn't for another 10 minutes. Why are we here so early?" Bakugou snapped. 

"Fireworks, Bakugou. Some people like to watch fireworks," Momo deadpanned. 

Y/N wrapped Katsuki's jacket around her tighter with a small smile. It smelled like him-- that burnt caramel scent. "We've got some time. I'm gonna go grab some treats from a vendor, I'll be back in a second." Bakugou sulked as she walked away.

"So... did Y/N sober you up okay?" Kirishima teased. The look in his eye told Bakugou that he knew exactly what had happened.

"Butt out, Shitty Hair."

Kirishima snickered. "Glad you were sober enough for... well, you know. It seems like the liquid courage worked wonders. I'm glad you aren't scared of it anymore." Once the words left his mouth he seemed to realize what he had said and a panicked look took over his face.

Bakugou turned to him with anger. "I wasn't scared of it," He growled. "Never have been. Why are you even talking about that?"

"Sorry dude, I didn't mean anything by it-- I'm just happy you're good is all."

"You know not to talk about that shit."

"I know, I know. I'm sorry, Kat."

Bakugou paused for a moment, frowning. He seemed to be upset, but not necessarily at Kirishima. "You know I didn't want that to happen, Ei."

"Everyone knows," Kirishima said softly. "It wasn't your fault. She was a bad person."

Bakugou didn't respond. The topic was too fucked up for him to think on it any longer; it was supposed to be a fun night. He didn't want to spend it remembering her. 

When he looked up he saw Y/N approaching with two sticks of cotton candy. The dark cloud in his mind parted and it felt like a breath of fresh air when he saw her face. Was it the alcohol?

"Got you one too cause I'm a good girlfriend," She bragged, thrusting one of the bright pink clouds into his hands. She started taking bites of her own with a grin on her face that made Bakugou feel warm.

"You know what to do at midnight, right Kat?" Kirishima whispered.

Bakugou glared at him. "The hell are you talking about?"

"You don't know? You gotta make sure you k--" Before he could finish he was ripped away by Kaminari and Mina who were trying to get him to watch Sero's new magic trick. Bakugou rolled his eyes. It couldn't have been that important, right?

"Thanks for the jacket," Y/N said. "You're pretty sweet sometimes."

"I'm always sweet," He snapped. "Ungrateful."

Y/N laughed and the sound made his head ring. He loved it. The beauty of her smile was interrupted when a firework set off above them; The flash of light and loud BOOM made Y/N squeak in surprise and jump closer to him.

She looked up at him in embarassment and he raised a teasing eyebrow at her. "Scared of explosions? That's not good," He joked. "Can't have you scared of me, Tinkerbell."

"Oh please," Y/N grumbled, looking away from his deep stare. "Just loud is all."

He chuckled. "Sure."

"I'm not scared."


She sulked and crossed her arms; He grabbed her pouting form and pulled her into his chest. "So dramatic," He grunted. He was warm and smelled nice, as always. It still felt weird to see Bakugou being affectionate. She took another bite of her cotton candy to distract herself from the pounding in her chest.

"The countdown is starting!" Kirishima yelled excitedly. He shot a look at Bakugou. "Bakubro, get ready."

"Get ready for what?" Katsuki snapped.

The countdown started. "10! 9! 8! 7!"

"Shitty Hair! Answer me! what the fuck do you mean?" It was too late. Kirishima had run off already.

"6! 5! 4!"

"You don't know, huh?" Y/N teased. "Guess you don't get to be the smartass tonight."

"3! 2! 1! Happy New Year!"

Around them, couples were spinning around and locked in intense kisses to celebrate the year coming to an end. Bakugou looked around in a panic. Was this what he was supposed to do? He turned to Y/N who was holding back a laugh. "Figure it out yet?" She taunted.

"I--" He stammered. He didn't want to assume that a kiss is what he was supposed to do-- he would look like a total idiot if it wasn't. He frantically looked around for any other indicator but was interrupted.

Y/N grabbed his messy shirt collar and pulled him down to meet her lips. The fireworks going off above them matched what was happening in his chest. It had only been an hour since he'd been having sex with her, but her kisses still set off a wild amount of butterflies in his stomach. She was so soft, so warm, so perfect.

Is this what being in love felt like?

He dropped the cotton candy on the floor and grabbed her face to pull her in deeper.

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