Chapter 52 - First Aid II

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After Y/N gave her statement to the police, the group took a taxi back to the UA dorms. 

"I hope no gear got fucked up while I was gone. Did you guys miss me?" Y/N asked, holding open the door for the boys. She shrugged off her jacket and pulled the beanie from her head, leaving behind a large amount of static that made Kirishima laugh.

"Of course we missed you!" Kirishima yelled. "Bakugou especially. Right Kat?"

"Fuck off," Bakugou grumbled, throwing his jacket at the red haired boy.

"What were you trying to tell me over the phone?" Todoroki asked. He sat down on the couch in the common room. "Reception was bad, I couldn't really make it out. Is everything okay?"

Y/N's playful mood fell. "Oh. Right." She sighed and sat at the couch across from Todoroki, looking at her hands. "There's not really a great way to ask this, but... what do you know about your parents marriage? If you're... okay with saying."

Still a grumpy look on is face, Bakugou plopped down so close to Y/N he almost sat on her. Y/N flinched a bit in surprise. It felt wildly out of character for him. He had done it without thinking really; he was just sick of not being close to her. He crossed his arms and glared at her when he noticed the shocked expression "What?" He snapped.

"Nothing," Y/N said quickly, turning to face Todoroki again and feeling her face get warm. It wasn't that she didn't like being close to him, she just... wasn't expecting it.

Todoroki didn't seem to notice the weird exchange that took place. "Well, my mom was kind of forced into marrying Endeavor. Some arrangement with her parents from what I know... the whole point was to have kids with more powerful quirks."

Y/N bit her lip, thinking on his words. "Was there like... an organization that arranged it? Or was it just your dad who arranged it?"

"I don't think there was a company involved. Why?"

"Well my parents got a phone call the other day, and--" Y/N was interrupted by a loud crashing sound from the kitchen. 

The three of them whipped around to see Kirishima frantically grabbing the giant bowl he'd dropped. "Sorry, sorry! Just wanted to make some popcorn! Carry on, Y/N," he said apologetically. Bakugou gave him a dirty look.

"My parents got a call from someone. They were asking if I would consider a quirk marriage for a shit ton of money."

There was an awkward silence in the room, but Bakugou cut through it. "What the fuck? Who?"

"If I knew, I wouldn't be asking Todoroki," Y/N deadpanned, flicking Bakugou's forehead. 

He swatted her away. "Can't they trace the call or some shit?"

Y/N shook her head. "They tried. Came back empty. The phone call wasn't long enough or something... when my dad started ripping them apart for even asking, they hung up." 

"That's... really weird. Quirk marriages haven't been a think for many years now. The person calling likely knew that, and that's probably why they hung up," Todoroki added with a frown. "There isn't really a way they could trap you into that anymore. It would have to involve some serious threats or blackmail."

"They could fucking try," Y/N grumbled. "I'd rip the man's dick off before he could even get close to me."

Bakugou smirked with pride. That's my girl, he thought.

"Y/N, your knuckles look pretty bad. Your lip, too," Midoriya said. He approached her cautiously and grabbed her hands, examining the split skin on her fists. "I've got a first aid kit in the bathroom if you'd like to use it. There should be some ibuprofen too."

"Thanks, Izuku. That's not a bad idea. These puppies are starting to hurt," she joked, holding up her swollen knuckles. "I'd do it again though. That man was a sack of horse shit." She stood up and made her way to the bathroom, closing the door behind her. 

"Y'know, she MIGHT need some HELP," Kirishima yelled from the kitchen. "If only there was someone to--"

"Shut it, Shitty Hair," Bakugou grumbled. A few minutes passed, and for a second there he wasn't actually going to, but he gave in. He did want to spend more time with her, regardless of what Kirishima was trying to get him to do.

He knocked a few times. "I'm comin in, Tinkerbell."

Y/N opened the door with her elbow, her hands busy with wrapping her knuckles. "What, you miss me already?"

He rolled his eyes at her. "You can't bandage up your own hands, dumbass." He slipped into the small room with her and shut the door with his shoulder before grabbing her hips and hoisting her up onto the counter. The contact made Y/N shiver. She wasn't light, but he was always able to pick her up like it was nothing. Damn. 

Without looking at her, Bakugou took the bandage from her to redo her work. "Your wrap job is shit. You need to take a first aid class." He leaned against the counter between her legs, focused on his work. He tried not to think about how close she was; they were nearly pressed together and he could feel her breath on his face as he worked. "Aren't you freaked out about the quirk marriage shit?"

Y/N shrugged. "It's not like they can force me to do anything I don't want to. Not much to be stressed about."

Bakugou's hands were surprisingly gentle as he weaved through her fingers with the medical tape. The usual glare had fallen from his face and now it was just focus. God, he was handsome, and watching those arms work to patch her up was making her feel a bit dizzy. Get it together, Y/N thought, pushing away the mental images of them in bed together.

"Take a photo, it'll last longer," he teased, letting his eyes meet hers with a wicked grin. He had caught her staring. Y/N couldn't think of a comeback, so she only scoffed and turned away, ignoring the way her heart skipped a beat.

Once he finished wrapping her knuckles, he raised a hand to her face and pressed his thumb over the gash in her cheek. "He hit you?"

"Yeah. He was a shitty fighter though."

Bakugou grabbed her hips and pulled her closer to the edge of the counter, closer to him, and examined the gash closely. "It's not bad. You definitely fucked him up more than he fucked you up."

"Damn straight," Y/N huffed.

His thumb wandered down to her split lip, brushing over it slightly. "This one is worse." His voice was softer now. Y/N had to focus very hard to keep herself from leaning in.

"Yeah," she said dumbly. "It hurts like a bitch."

Bakugou stared at her for a moment, his thumb still in place, then closed the gap between them and pressed his lips gently to hers.

This kiss was vastly different from any other they had shared. It was soft and so much slower; Bakugou didn't dare go harder out of fear of hurting her injury, but he really couldn't keep himself away. He'd been wanting to kiss her since picking her up at the airport. Well, he'd wanted to do much more than kiss her, but that could wait.

Y/N sighed into the kiss before raising her wrapped hands up the the back of his neck and pulling him in tighter, ignoring the pain. Sure, it hurt, but the desire for more of him outweighed the sting. With one hand she grabbed a bit of his blonde hair and pulled. 

Bakugou hissed and pulled back, a dazed look on his face. "Don't do that. I can't hold back if you do that shit and your lip is too fucked right now," he growled softly, his voice low and threatening and making Y/N shiver. They were still only an inch apart as he said it and it was excruciating not to do it again; Oh how she loved making him like this.

He saw that devilish look in her eye and stepped back before she could test him. She pouted and he smirked at her reaction before opening the door for her. "Go to bed, Tinkerbell. Jet lag is going to whoop your ass."

She sighed in defeat and exited the bathroom, making her way down the hall to her room and opening her door. Bakugou watched her, unable to take her eyes off her, but the dizziness from the kissed faded when Y/N gasped. "What the fuck?" She yelled.

Bakugou walked over to see what in her room had her so upset and hissed when he saw. "Holy shit," he breathed.

Y/N's entire room had been ransacked. 

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