Chapter 15 - Jealousy

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The rest of the day, Y/N's phone was blowing up.

She tried to ignore it, she really did-- but because the gushing about Hawks was mixed in with gear requests, she had to read through it. When she wasn't reading through the endless texts from her classmates, she tried to get her new printer set up. She wasn't happy to be using something Hawks had given her, but dammit, it was going to be really useful. Especially for something as intricate as Bakugou's gauntlets.

Bakugou hadn't said anything when she mentioned Hawks. Weirdly enough, he walked out of the workshop without saying a word-- he just had a strange look on his face that she couldn't read. He was always hard to read, but especially now. It made her chest ache a little to see him leave, worried that she had somehow upset him. If Hawks was going to fuck with her friendships, she would be livid.

Y/N groaned and put her face in her hands. She wanted to get away from this in Japan. Granted, she would be closer the Hawks Agency, but because she already blocked his number she had hoped she was rid of the whole situation. Thinking about it only made her more upset. Images of Keigo flashed in her mind; memories of skin, heat, heavy breathing...

No. He had fired her. He had fired her when she was injured and grieving, not even giving her the courtesy of a phone call.

Speaking of, her phone started ringing. She was scared to look at it, for a moment fearing it would be Hawks himself. When she saw it was Uraraka, she sighed with relief and picked up the phone quickly.

"Uraraka," she said, her voice cracking. Why was her voice cracking? "Can I talk to you tonight? I think I need some help."

"Of course! Is this about earlier today? I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have assumed that he was..." Y/N heard other voices on the line. "Is it okay if the other girls come too? We're worried about you."

Hearing Uraraka's sweet voice helped pull Y/N out of the spiral. "Do you guys wanna come to my room at like 8 PM?"

"Absolutely. We'll bring snacks and pajamas. Stay safe, okay?"

"Alright." She heard Ochaco hang up.


Bakugou was absolutely sick of hearing about Hawks.

He had apparently shown up early that morning with that gift for Y/N. All Might, with all of his good intentions, led Hawks into her workshop and let him set up the gift, thinking nothing of it. The #2 hero, however, was not one to visit places quietly. He gave autographs, took photos, and chatted with the third year girls-- but had left shortly before him and Y/N had arrived, thank God.

All morning in class, his peers were gushing about how they'd met number 2. Deku especially was having a heart attack over it, which only pissed Bakugou off more. Knowing what Hawks had done to Y/N, his image of the man was ruined. Rather than being an opposition that Katsuki respected, he now loathed the man.

And he didn't like that Hawks brought Y/N a gift.

For some reason, the idea of Hawks talking to Y/N made his jaw hurt. He couldn't help but wonder if the two of them had been more than just coworkers. Did coworkers send each other lavish gifts with golden letters? Hawks was known for being a lady's man; had Y/N been one of those ladies? A man that attractive could surely win over someone like her, even though he didn't deserve her.

The smell of smoke shook him from his thoughts, and he realized that he had burned his desk. He pulled his hand back in shock. He growled under his breath and tried to distract himself by browsing on his phone. Checking the news, the first headline read: #2 HERO HAWKS MAKES A SURPRISE APPREANCE AT UA!

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