Chapter 38 - Whirlwind

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"Just get out of here, kid. We're taking that bounty," The smaller villain hissed.

"You lay a single finger on that girl and I'll blast you straight to hell," Bakugou growled, preparing explosions in his palms. "Try it. I dare you."

The three of them were locked in a staredown. They had fallen for the diversion seamlessly, but he still couldn't pinpoint the quirk on the taller villain. The smaller one had been able to track Y/N's motorcycle based on how much she had used it, meaning it was some kind of location quirk like Deku had suspected.

The second Y/N's engine roared, the villains attacked.

Bakugou had the upper hand, as he always did, and adrenaline coursed through his veins as he sent blast after blast their way. He was keeping them adequately distracted, but now his worry was catching up to her. He hoped to God that if he didn't show up then she would leave without him and get her stupid ass to safety, but knowing her, it was unlikely. That's why he had to get to her as soon as possible. He was propelling himself through the air with his blasts, doing everything within his power to keep them confined and stop them from running to Y/N.

"GO! I'll handle him!" The taller one growled.

Looks like it was going to be a chase.

Bakugou fully ignored his opponent and dashed after the one targeting Y/N. He used his explosions to propel himself further and faster, catching up quickly, and when he finally reached him he slammed his heel down on the back of the villain's head.

It was enough to ground him, but before Bakugou could react, the villain turned over onto his back and pulled out a gun, firing a bullet from point blank straight into Bakugou's stomach.

He was pushed back from the impact. This wasn't good.

The pain hadn't even set in yet. He knew he was in shock, but had enough sense left to know one thing– he had to get out of there, fast, or he wasn't going to make it.

He launching himself into the air and spotted her, heading down the road at what had to be at least 80 miles an hour. Ignoring the white hot flashes threatening to stop his movements, he called out to her.



Bakugou had been sore before, but never like this.

Even his eyelids throbbed as he forced them open, adjusting to the light. He blinked a few times, each time hurting less, and took in his surroundings.

The room was lit with harsh fluorescents. He was laying in a rather uncomfortable cot, a shitty blanket draped over him. Tubes connected his arms to different blinking machines. A hospital?

No. It wasn't nice enough to be hospital. It looked like it had been thrown together urgently, and it didn't have that strong disinfectant smell that most hospitals did. He was as confused as he was sore until a sharp pain from his abdomen brought back a sickening reminder.

The memory of the bullet wound flooded back and he tried to sit up, every movement aching. He lifted up the blue scrubs he had on to view his stomach, and sure enough, there was a bandage wrapped around his torso; but when he peeked underneath the medical wrap, there was only a scar where the bullet had entered his body. Recovery Girl.

But... wait, where was Y/N?

Panic started to set in. The last thing he remembered was riding on the back of her bike, holding onto her... why couldn't he remember anything else? Dread was building in his stomach. He hadn't protected her. What if she was hurt?

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