Chapter 7 - Mini Might

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"WHO THE HELL FORGETS BURGER BUNS FOR FUCKING BURGERS?!" Bakugou fumed, explosions sparking from his palms. 

Kirishima waved his arms around apologetically. "I'm sorry! Sero distracted me with his new magic trick!" His response only made Bakugou angrier.

Y/N tried not to laugh at the scene she had walked into. Uraraka had handed her a small cup of... was it juice? Or tea? She couldn't really tell. All she knew was that it was loaded with something sweet. It was nice, being outside. Especially with friends.

"It's okay, I got it! I'll take the bus to the grocery store," Midoriya beamed, jumping to his feet.

Y/N quickly set her drink down and waved at him. "It's okay man, I've got my bike, I got it."

"No no, I insist! I like to get out!" He argued.

"Then come on my bike."

Midoriya blushed at that. "Are you sure? Is there enough room? I mean, I don't--"

"C'mon," she said, waving her keys at him. "I promise it's safe."

"Oh! While you're there can you pick up, like, some plates? and cups?" Kirishima whispered, trying to do so without letting Bakugou hear.

Bakugou smacked the back of Eijirou's head. "You didn't even have plates? Why the hell are you having a barbeque?!" Kirshima laughed nervously, holding his spatula up in surrender. "Move over. I'll cook the goddamn food." He snatched the spatula. "You didn't even prep the grill correctly, Shitty Hair. Fucking ridiculous."

"We better get that shit before he kills Kirishima," Y/N muttered, making her way down the patio stairs with a laughing Izuku. "Imma be honest with you, I've got no clue where the store is. You'll have to navigate me."

"Oh-- of course!"

Y/N opened up the compartment on the back of the bike, pulling out an extra helmet and tossing it to him. "You ready, Mini Might?"

"Mini Might?" He squealed. "Why would you say that?"

"I dunno. You guys have a similar quirk," Y/N shrugged, turning the key and making the engine roar. "Hop on."

After twiddling his thumbs nervously, he climbed on behind her and slipped on his helmet to match. "Do you want me to, uh... my hands? What should I--" Midoriya hesitated. 

"Just hold onto me," Y/N said, kicking off. Izuku yelped and wrapped his arms around her waist before he could second guess himself.


"Did you see that? Deku is getting some action!" Sero crowed, elbowing Kaminari to get his attention. He nodded at Y/N and Deku speeding away on the motorcycle.

"She's the worst," Denki grumbled, trying not to look towards Jiro, who was sitting on the couch giggling with Momo about something.

"Woah, what? What happened with you guys?" Sero demanded. "Kirishima! Something happened with Y/N and Denki!"

"Nothing happened! She's just-- it doesn't matter!" He said, almost spilling his drink as he waved his arms back and forth in a panic.

Bakugou smirked evilly. "Liar. I heard she took his measurements," he teased. "You big enough, Pikachu?" He flipped the patties with perfect precision.

"It was for gear!" Denki cried. "She's not-- it's not like that! You're the one who's been in her workshop with her, Bakugou."

Bakugou bristled at the accusation. "I don't give a fuck about that loser. I was just making sure she wasn't fucking up my gear," he snapped, pointing his spatula at Kaminari threateningly. 

"She won't mess it up! Have you seen her other work? It's wonderful!" Ochaco gushed. "I heard she worked with Hawks!"

Bakugou paused to listen. Was that true?

"What the hell? Are you serious?" Sero gawked. "I mean... I figured she'd be good, but I didn't think she'd be that good."

"I mean, she's in that workshop nonstop," Mina said matter-of-factly. "I don't think that girl sleeps."

"Oh, she does," Bakugou mumbled, thinking back to finding her knocked out on the worktable. "Not fucking enough though."

"Aww, you lookin' out for her Kat?" Kirishima said, putting his arm around the blonde.

"Fuck off. I just don't want her making shitty equiptment."


The store was refreshing compared to the hot air outside. The pair sighed with relief at entering.

"Thanks for driving us here, Y/N. I wish I had a bike!" He gushed. 

"Dude, you literally fly around with your quirk. My bike is nothing compared to what you do on the daily.

"This is just as cool!"

Y/N laughed. "Well, I'm happy to give you a ride anytime. Do you know where the things are that we need?"

"Nope! Let's start looking," he said cheerfully, marching off in a random direction. Y/N struggled to keep up with his speedwalking.

"So... All Might actually told me I should talk to you," Y/N began, not quite sure how to phrase what she needed to say. "About, uh, my quirk. Or lack of, I guess."

"Oh," he said, slowing down to stay closer to her, wanting to listen more intently. Y/N had told him a few days ago about her situation when he'd asked about her quirk. "What's on your mind?"

"Well, he told me to talk to you about... still being in the industry." She tried not to let her face get hot. "I know, it's dumb, it's--"

"No, it's not. Look... the industry is really complicated. I understand the desire to be a hero... more than you'd think," He muttered. "The lack of a quirk doesn't necessarily mean you can't be a hero... it's just a bigger hurdle. But... you're an engineer, aren't you? Don't you enjoy it?" He asked gently.

"I do enjoy it. But I think... I think I have to get back out there," Y/N admitted, picking up a bag of hamburger buns. "Hero work is what I did for years. I'm used to it. It feels weird to switch to engineering."

Midoriya shrugged. "That makes sense, I suppose." Further down the isle, he picked up some plastic plates and cups. "So... why don't you get back out there anyways?"

"Without a quirk? I feel like I'd be more of a liability than an asset."

"Well, without proper training, anyone would be a liability," he said. "Hey, why don't you make gear for yourself? With the right equipment, I don't think you'd even need a quirk!"

Y/N stilled, thinking on his words. It was technically possible, but would anyone even want her help? There was still a lot of stigma against quirkless individuals, Y/N had come to find, but... could she get away with it?

Besides, she was pretty sure she still wasn't allowed to get back on the field.

"Anyways, it's something to think about. Let's go check out. You want a candy bar?" He smiled at her, holding up two of his favorite treats. Y/N smiled and nodded at him.

After checking out, they put the groceries into Midoriya's backpack and mounted Y/N's bike once again. "Thanks, Midoriya," Y/N said, handing him his helmet. "This... actually helped."

"Of course! That's what heroes do!" He beamed.

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