Chapter 93 - Commute

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The next morning was hell on Earth.

Y/N was positive she'd never felt this level of soreness before. With every movement her muscles ached and screamed at her; the headache wasn't much better. It felt like a full body hangover.

She was embarrassed when Bakugou seemed to be doing just fine. He'd woken up with his alarm and packed their things to allow her a few more minutes of sleep—it seemed he could tell she needed the rest. When it was time to eventually hoist herself to her feet, she groaned at the sting of her muscles and hunched over against the wall to ease the pain. "Jesus," She muttered.

It wasn't until she slipped her shirt on that Y/N realized two things: One, the hum of the engine was gone and the soft rocking of the plane had stopped. They must have landed—And two, there were small bruises and red marks all along her body. Thank God none of them would be visible with a regular outfit, but even viewing them now made her cheeks flush.

They'd had sex before, obviously, but last night was different. The way Katsuki spoke to her wasn't something she'd ever seen from him. Pet names and terms of endearment had fallen from his lips with ease, and he'd been so... gentle? No, that wasn't the word. He was comforting, protective, so sure of what he was doing as he'd ripped orgasm after orgasm out of her. Had Bakugou called her 'sweetheart'?

That word alone seemed to, in a way, subdue her. Coming from someone else it might make her uncomfortable at how condescending it sounded, but that wasn't at all the way it had come across. When Bakugou said it, it felt right. Safe, even. Maybe because she knew he didn't look down on her?

There was no way she'd hear him call her that again, and it made her heart sink. Y/N didn't know how much of his behavior the previous night was because of the potion; he'd taken it too, after all. How much of that tenderness and sweetness was just induced by the aphrodisiac?

Y/N didn't want to think about it anymore.

She slid open the small door to the rest of the plane. Katsuki was sitting at the dining table with papers and manila folders strew across the surface of it, seemingly picking through it to find something. And he...

...was wearing glasses?

Bakugou looked up at her when he heard the door open. "Oh, you're up." It took him a few seconds to realize why she was eyeing him like that, and in a flash, he reached up to yank them off his face.

"You wear glasses?" Y/N gawked. "What the fuck? Why didn't I know this?"

"I don't," He huffed out. After realizing how stupid it sounded, he rubbed his eyes in defeat. "I mean, I guess I do, I just usually wear contacts instead."

Y/N shook her head in disbelief. "Why? With glasses you look so..." It was hard to find the right word. "I dunno, non-threatening?"

"That's why I don't wear them. Plus, they're fucking annoying during hero work, you gotta keep track of 'em and they get all dirty so... contacts are just more convenient."

"How come you're wearing them now then?" Y/N questioned. She took a seat next to him at the table.

"I uh... like 'em better. For reading and stuff. They don't bug my eyes as much."

Y/N picked his frames up from the table and looked through them curiously. "You should wear them all the time then. Just switch to contacts during hero work."


"Why not?"

"I don't want everyone freaking out about it," He muttered. "You know how they'd react. Kiri would flip his shit. Deku, too. Just... don't wanna deal with that. It's stupid."

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