Chapter 99 - Washing Up

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This chapter contains EXPLICIT SEXUAL CONTENT.

Readers should be 18+. MINORS WILL BE BLOCKED

CONTENT WARNING: Shower Sex, Penetration, Orgasm Denial


Why the hell was Y/N so nervous?

She stood outside of the shower, staring at the curtain and holding her shoulders to try and dull the vulnerability that came with being naked. Almost immediately after he'd invited her to join him, he'd turned, stripped, and gotten into the shower before she could process it.

Not a single other word was said– he'd spoken the invitation and dipped, leaving her to decide for herself.

Of course she was going to join him. Who wouldn't?

She tucked a bit of hair behind her ears and pulled the curtain back slightly to peer inside. Bakugou's head was tilted back under the stream, water dripping down his body as his fingers dragged through his hair. Y/N looked downward, because of course she did, and felt her heart jump.

Katsuki opened one eye and caught her staring. "You comin' in or just enjoying the view?" The corner of his mouth turned up with a hint of a smile. "It's hot this time. Promise."

This man was literally dripping with sex appeal.

Before she could chicken out, Y/N forced herself to step inside, closing the curtain behind her and pulling her arms back against her chest for warmth. "Do I get any water or do I have to wait for the backsplash?"


Why in the fuck was Y/N so nervous? She let her hands fall against her legs and scowled at him. His gaze made her feel so small, so vulnerable; she swore she could physically feel his eyes raking down her body and taking in the sight of her.

His arms dropped too, and he took a step to the side to leave room for Y/N under the stream. He didn't budge any more than that as she approached. Only his eyes moved as she entered the stream, studying her every move.

Y/N sighed when it finally hit her skin. "Nice of you to share my hot water." She tilted her head back and stroked her hair as he had done moments before.

He wasn't looking at her now, though. Instead, he grabbed Y/N's body wash and took a step away from her, pouring a generous amount and lathering it in his hands. He even turned to the side as he began rubbing it into his chest and shoulders. He seemed almost... uninterested in her now.

Y/N frowned, confused. She'd never had shower sex before, but... weren't you supposed to get cleaned up after? It seemed counterintuitive to wash now. Not only that, but he wasn't even looking at her. His eyes were focused on his current task and didn't even glance her way.

Unless... shit. Was he... not trying to have sex right now?

Her eyes widened at the realization and she whipped around quickly to face the stream. Holy shit, this was embarrassing. He'd just wanted to shower. Y/N scrambled to recall what their previous conversation had been– Katsuki had teased her about liking the pet name, then told her to shower with him when she complained about cold water– was he really just trying to share the water? She wrapped her arms around herself again.

Stupid, she silently scolded. I'm so stupid.

"What's wrong? Did it get cold or somethin'?"

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