Chapter 80 - Go Time

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"Seriously? We gotta do this shit again?"

Clara sighed as she tightened Y/N's hand restraints. "We don't want you trying anything. We both know you're not exactly compliant."

Y/N was too disoriented to argue, and she was reaching a point where her consciousness was fading. This was bad... really bad. Whatever had happened to her head was only getting worse. She suspected a concussion, but the pain seemed much too severe; what had happened to her?

The plane landing had only made the throbbing worse. I can't push through this much longer.

With her hands shaking she forced her legs to support her body as she stood up. The flight had been about 9 hours based on her guess-- it was late at night, and the place they were landing was not an airport. It was some landing pad with large buildings surrounding it. It had to belong to the Yoarashi's.

Y/N looked up in time to see two men enter the plane from the runway. They looked eerily similar to Clara in their bone structure-- handsome, but eerie smiles.

"The leading lady arrives!" One of them cheered. "Man, did you have to knock her around so much? She looks rough."

"Kaito did what was necessary. She's been a bit difficult, but I believe she's coming around," Clara said.

So Inasa's dad's name was Kaito. But... hold on... isn't that Clara's husband? She paused for a moment, trying to figure it out through the aching of her head. She remembered something that Inasa had said... something about his mother not going along with their ways. Had Kaito married his wife's sister after killing her?

Chills ran up Y/N's spine. Jesus, these people are fucking crazy. 

"I think she still looks pretty cute," The other brother said. He was shorter than his sibling, but still towered over Y/N as he approached her. "You sure Inasa gets her?" He teased, leaning down to smile at Y/N.

Y/N spat on his cheek. "Get fucked," She seethed, losing her balance a bit.

"Guess she's not coming around like you thought," He laughed. He wiped Y/N's spit from his face before turning to face his mother again. "We should get going."

"Kenji, would you carry her out? I worry she's not at her best right now," Clara requested as she packed up her purse. "Mako, go grab Inasa. He's in the next compartment."

The man who she'd spat on, Kenji, picked Y/N up bridal style as she thrashed. "Put me down, fucker! Don't touch me!"

Kenji struggled a bit but his grip on her arm was painful and she cried out. "Relax, sugar, I don't wanna hurt you. Just--"


"Mom, do you still have that sedative? I think this might be easier if we whip that out..."

Y/N's blood ran cold and she froze. No, she had to stay conscious for this. She had to be alert in case an opportunity for escape arose. 

"Wait," She croaked.

Kenji raised an eyebrow at her. "You gonna be good?"

Y/N had to put out the angry fire that was lit in her gut. Every part of her wanted to punch Kenji in the teeth, but her life was on the line here. Play along. 

She looked away, no longer struggling in his arms.

"There we go. Not so bad, right? Let's get you to the hotel."

The edges of her vision were starting to fade a bit. I shouldn't have thrashed around. Her consciousness was running out, she knew it. Noises were starting to sound echoey and her eyes were glossing over.

"Looks like we don't even need the sedatives," She heard Kenji say with a laugh. As much as she hated it, she felt her head fall on his chest as her head only got heavier. Something was definitely wrong. She needed a hospital.


Bakugou watched Aizawa with intensity as the plane landed. 

Aizawa knew something that he wasn't telling Bakugou. He'd only informed him of the plan-- Kirishima and Bakugou were to stay back until Aizawa's scarf signaled their entrance, and their only objective was to retrieve Y/N. They were not to enter the fight.

It made Bakugou furious, but he knew this was his only opportunity for being there.

"What if she's not on there?" Bakugou muttered. "What if we're just running in fucking circles?"

Kirishima put a hand on his shoulder as they watched from their post. "Aizawa seemed sure of it. He said he knew the plane," He whispered.

Bakugou's eyes widened and he turned to his friend. "He knew the plane? What does that--"

"He wouldn't tell me anything else."

His suspicions were confirmed. Why wouldn't Aizawa tell them whos plane it was?

Kirishima and Bakugou watched as two men entered the plane. Minutes passed. It was much too long for anyone to feel comfortable with; the anticipation was making Bakugou's heart race. Where was she?

Just when he was about to lose his patience, the men exited the plane. The taller one pushed forward somebody whos hands were tied while the other carried somebody. 

"Hold on. The one they're pushing, isn't that Inasa?" Kirishima hissed. "The one being carried... is that Y/N?"

Bakugou's eyes widened. It was Y/N alright, he recognized her hair immediately. Was she unconscious? 

He felt rage growing in his chest at the sight. He wanted desperately to run to her, take her from those disgusting assholes, keep her safe--

"Bakugou, no," Kirishima said as he gripped Katsuki's wrist. Bakugou looked down and realized that sparks were lighting in his palm. He extinguished them, feeling his heart fall, and turned back to watch intently.

It was her. She was here.

He whipped around to look at Aizawa. His teacher watched the scene with an angry intensity that shocked him. 

Two others exited the plane, dressed to the nines and holding hands. They had to be the masterminds behind this... and it seemed they were a couple. Half a dozen soldiers walked out behind them.

Which of them had wind quirks? Before he could even begin to think on the question, Aizawa's scarf zipped from the shadows and wrapped around the neck of the man holding Y/N.

Go time.

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