Chapter 78 - Man to Man

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Y/N rolled her eyes. "I hope he's better at punching than you."

The man scoffed. "No punching this time. Just talking." He slid open the door to the next plane compartment and Inasa was shoved into the room.

He was just as bruised and bloody as she was.

"Um... okay?" Y/N deadpanned. "And?"

After shoving Inasa into the plane seat across from her, he spoke. "I'll leave you two to talk. Inasa, fill her in, would you?" The man said nonchalantly before exiting and closing the panel behind him.

"I get the feeling this is your fault," Y/N grumbled. "Got any ideas for getting out of here?"

Inasa shook his head. "We're not getting out of here. Not until the plane lands at least."

"Why not? We both have fucking wind quirks, we could--"

"If you haven't noticed, our quirks aren't working," Inasa interrupted. "They have some kind of... device that limits quirks."

Y/N frowned. "What the hell? What kind of black market shit is your family into?"

"If you haven't caught on, they're fucking crazy."

Y/N groaned and slumped over in her plane seat before taking a deep breath. "Fuck. Okay. I called..." She paused, not knowing if Inasa's family was listening in. "Someone trustworthy. They know where we're going."

Inasa propped himself up against the wall, his hands and feet still tied uncomfortably. "That was probably a dumb move."

"You're kidding, right? Why?"

"My family is..." He fidgeted with his wrist bindings. "Not afraid of playing dirty. Do they know who you called?"

"No. That guy was trying to beat it out of me but he hits like a sissy."

Inasa's expression darkened. "That's my dad. He's a... he's a monster." He seemed to get caught up in his thoughts before continuing. "On the bright side, it looks like you don't have to worry about the safety of whoever you called."

Y/N scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Even if they did know, the person I called will be just fine. He's gonna tear these fuckers to shreds... shit. Probably shouldn't have said the pronouns. Whatever, they can listen if they want."

"Stop it. You really don't want them knowing who it is."

"Or what?"

Inasa gritted his teeth. "Can't you just trust me on this?"

Y/N stomped her foot on the ground. "I have had it up to HERE with all this 'trust me' and 'it's complicated' shit you guys keep saying. I have been held against my will for two days. I'm tired, I'm hungry, my head hurts, just tell me what the fuck is going on and stop talking like we're in fucking Game of Thrones!"

"Jesus, fine! Ask your questions!" Inasa yelled.

"Where are we going?"

"Rhode Island. My family owns another hotel there for American business."

"What business?"

Inasa sighed. "It's... I don't know. They don't talk about it. They're pretty wealthy though, and my guess is it's probably something illegal."

Y/N bit her lip and thought for a moment. "Okay. Why do they want us to have a kid so bad?"

He was clearly uncomfortable with the question, trying to squirm a bit on the floor but struggling to due to the restraints. "The short answer is that... I guess when two people of the same quirk have a child, that child has like... both of their power added together."

"And? What the hell do they have to gain from that?"

"Fame maybe, for the family name or something? Reputation and all that? Or, more realistically... a soldier of some kind."

"So they want us to have a kid so they can take it away?" Y/N snapped. "I was right. They totally want to pull a Rumpelstiltskin."

Inasa frowned. "I don't know what that is."

"Nevermind. German fairytale thing, not important. I have more questions still," She said. "How do they plan on making us do that? Do they really think we're just gonna give in?"

A pause. He didn't say anything and it made Y/N's heart start pounding. Why wasn't he agreeing?

"Inasa. Hey. You're not seriously planning on going along with this, are you?"

"It's... not an easy thing, Y/N." He was visibly uncomfortable and the more she spoke the more he refused to look at her.

She was starting to get mad. "Dude, I'm sorry, but I do not wanna marry you. Ever. Let alone have a fucking baby--"

"I don't want it either!" Inasa cried. "But... but you don't know what they're like. We might want to... just consider..."

"Absolutely the fuck not."

"If you keep saying no, they'll... go more drastic than just a punch to the nose. It turns into some gross shit. Really morbid, gross shit."

Y/N glared at him. "Like what?"

"Like stealing your fucking ovaries."

"WHAT?!" Y/N shrieked. Her breathing picked up and the room started to sway again. Surely she'd heard him wrong.

"They technically just need your DNA in order to get what they want. It wouldn't be the first time they've done something like that. They..." He rested his head against his seat. "They killed my mom. She didn't go along with my dad's family, and... yeah. They killed my mom, Y/N."

Inasa watched as Y/N started panting. Panic was beginning to set in. "Oh my god. Oh my god, I need to get out of here..." Her struggling increased against the restrains, shaking the chair she was in. "Fuck! Can you break out? We need to find something sharp--"

The door slid open again, and this time on the other side was Inasa's aunt. Y/N's gut twisted at the sight, repulsed. She looked at Y/N with a slight smile. "Hello again, dear. Feeling a bit better now?"

The realization of the situation started sinking deep into her stomach. These people are dangerous. How stupid was it that in that moment all she wanted was someone's help? Why wasn't anyone barging in to save the day? A deep loneliness began making her fingers feel numb.  

She thought of pat on the back from Kiri, a hug from Mina and Uraraka, a kiss from Bakugou-- things that now, she wasn't sure she'd ever experience again.

As much as she didn't want it to happen, tears started welling in her eyes and she bit down hard to hold back a sob. 

"Ah, it looks like she's doing much better now. Thank you, Inasa. Things will run much more smoothly now."

Inasa looked at his aunt with an unimaginable hatred.

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