Chapter 42 - Patrol II

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"Looks like your suit is working nicely," Y/N commented, snapping the sleeve of his uniform. 

They'd been walking down their patrol route, Bakugou leading the way for the majority of it (Y/N didn't know this part of town). The sun had just set and the streetlights buzzed to life around them. It was a relatively safe part of town, Kirishima had told her, so the shift should go smoothly. 

Bakugou had naturally taken the lead as he always did. He walked slightly in front of Y/N to maintain control. "It's fine," he grumbled. 

"What, do I need to fix something?"

"I just said it's fine."

"If it's fine, they could be better--"

"They're great. Now shut up so we can do our job," he snapped. 

Y/N had been trying to start conversations with him for an hour now and he had shut them all down within a few sentences. He was clearly in a bad mood and taking it out on her. All she was trying to do was make things less weird between them. Why was he being such a dick?

"Dude, did I do something wrong? Why are you--"

Bakugou cut her off, holding his hand out in front of her to stop her from walking. He pointed across the street where a man in an all black ducked behind a corner. Bakugou crossed the road without her and stood flush against the wall, prepared to peek around the corner.

Y/N seemed to have a different idea in mind. She marched straight down the alley where the man was, her hands in her pockets as if it was a casual meet up. "Hey dude! Where you headed?"

Bakugou could've strangled her. What the hell was she doing? She was going to get herself hurt!  With their cover already blown, he rolled his eyes and walked to join her as she chatted up the suspicious man.

Y/N had her arms crossed over her chest, tilting her head at the man-- except he wasn't a man. He was a kid. He couldn't have been over 13 at the most.

"Convenient store," the boy stuttered. "Just looking for a snack."

"That's bullshit, you--" Bakugou started, but Y/N grabbed his arm gently, gesturing for him to stop. She turned to the boy, taking a few steps towards him.

"It closed a few hours ago, kid. Do you wanna fess up now or should we keep chatting?"

Bakugou stared at her in confusion. What the hell kind of game was she playing?

The poor boy was shaking where he stood. "You gotta believe me, I'm a good person, I don't usually--I don't do this kind of thing! I'll never do it again, I swear, I--"

Y/N held out her hand expectantly, and the kid pulled out a small bag of a green leafy substance. Y/N pulled it open and smelled it, frowning. "Is this..." she pulled out a small clump and examined it before bursting into laughter. "I'm sorry dude, you got scammed. This is parsley."

The boy looked absolutely flabbergasted at how Y/N was acting, and Bakugou wasn't feeling much different.

"I'm assuming you thought this was weed, right? Yeah, this is definitely parsley. Where'd you get this?"

"I--someone online told me where to pick it up, I don't--please--"

"Look, you're not in trouble. You just wasted a ton of money on some garnish." She handed the bag back to him, uncrossing her arms and grabbing the kid's shoulders. "But listen to me carefully-- if that had been what you hoped it was, you would be in big trouble. Don't fuck around with this stuff at your age. Do you understand me?"

The kid nodded furiously, a tear running down his cheek in terror. "Yes, I understand!"

"If I or anyone else catch you with something like this again, it won't end well." She stood back up, letting go of the kid's arms. "Go home before police get involved."

The boy scurried off in a panic, tears streaming down his face.

Bakugou was absolutely stunned. "Why'd you let him go?"

"He was just a scared kid. It wasn't a big deal," she shrugged, heading back towards the main road.

Bakugou caught up with her. He wasn't sure what to say. He was impressed, that was for sure, but he felt weird about it. 

"America has a massive opioid problem. He could've had a lot worse," Y/N grumbled. "I've had to stop kids with heroin back in the states. Not a fun conversation for anybody. In fact, most hero work in the US is drug shit."

Y/N was walking in front now, and for the first time ever, Bakugou was okay with someone being ahead of him. He felt comfortable with her in control; it was odd, but liberating. "That's fucked up," he grunted. 

Y/N nodded gravely, but her expression quickly turned excited when she spotted a small coffee shop on the corner. "Wanna grab a coffee? We'll be up for a while," she offered. "C'mon, it'll take two minutes. I'm buyin'."

"Coffee is vile," Bakugou spat. "No fucking thanks."

"I bet I can get you something you like," she challenged. She dashed to the entrance, swinging open the door and taking off her helmet as she entered. Bakugou fought back a smile as he followed her in.

It was 10 PM, which meant the place was mostly empty save for a few overworked business men in the corners. Y/N strolled up the counter while Bakugou followed behind her, standing close to avoid social interaction and crossed his arms in discomfort.

"A dirty chai and a black coffee, please," she beamed. 

"The hell is a chai? Why is it dirty?" Bakugou hissed at her.

"Just trust me," she reassured, putting a hand on his shoulder before turning back to the cashier. She passed the women the yen before standing by the end of the counter to wait.

Bakugou didn't like new things. He knew the things he enjoyed and he was content to stick to them-- but Y/N was so unbearably persuasive. She could likely convince him to do anything.

Once their drinks were ready, Y/N handed Bakugou the dirty chai with a grin on her face. "Alright, try it."

Bakugou didn't like the attention but brought the cup to his lips and took a small sip. At first it was the same bitter taste of coffee, but the flavor was chased by something sweeter and spicier-- cinnamon and cream. The cinnamon bit his tongue in the way spicy food usually did, which Y/N must've known he liked.

"It's fine," he said, taking another gulp. He did like it.

Y/N chuckled. "Told you I'd find one you like," she boasted, taking a sip of hers before heading towards the door.

Bakugou let the smile happen this time. He took another sip as they walked back out into the cold night air to finish their shift, a warm feeling in his chest that he tried to convince himself was from the drink.

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