Chapter 88 - Be Gentle

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consider this chapter an apology for my absence. enjoy ;)




Readers should be 18+. MINORS WILL BE BLOCKED

CONTENT WARNING: Dry humping, Grinding, Penetration, Riding, Power Dynamics


Fuck. Finally, Bakugou thought.

How long had it been since he'd been able to kiss her? Really kiss her? The hospital seemed years ago, and it only felt longer when he realized how much he'd missed this. Kissing rules. Is that why all those extras are constantly down each others' throats? Yeah, he couldn't blame them now. He'd missed her more than he could say.

With one hand supporting behind her head and the other around her waist, Bakugou pulled his girlfriend in tighter. The kiss had started gently, and he knew it should stay that way to avoid exacerbating her injury, but damn was it getting hard to hold back. When he let his hands wander downwards to grip her hips and yank her closer to him, Y/N hissed slightly.

"Gotta be gentle, Kat," She reminded him softly. Her voice drifted into his head and did all sorts of evil things to the rest of his body. Everything about her made him ache with desire.

"Fuck, I'm... trying," He grumbled, trying not to show his frustration. Damn his rough movements– he really was trying, honest, but the excitement kept building and nearly forcing his body to get closer, tighter, touch her more and more...

Y/N couldn't fight back the small grin on her lips at Bakugou's struggle. It was... almost cute to see him like this; just barely on the edge of desperation. She wanted to see more of that side of him.

When she wrapped her arms around Bakugou's neck to pull him lower, moving her kisses to his cheek and then his neck, Katsuki started feeling a bit dizzy. It felt like the floor was spinning around him when her lips pressed softly into the muscle between his neck and shoulder.

"Fuck, I wanna..." He started. He was struggling to find the words. "I–I need more. Can we... can we go to–"

"Yes," Y/N whispered in between kisses. "But you gotta–"

As gently as Bakugou was able (which wasn't very), he wrapped his hands around Y/N's thighs and pulled her up so she was wrapped around his waist.

Shit. His dick, which was now really hard, pressed right in between her legs and the pressure had him seeing stars. An involuntary shiver ran down his spine as he carried his girlfriend into his old dorm room, using his leg to close the door behind him. He couldn't help but be in a hurry– after approaching his old bed, he let her drop onto the mattress below– and she yelped in pain.


"Oh shit, I totally– Fuck. Are you okay?" Dammit, Katsuki, he thought to himself. Gentle. Be gentle, goddammit.

Y/N's held the side of her head tenderly. "All good," She said through a grimace. "Gentle isn't really your forte, is it Kat?"

Guilt made his stomach drop a bit. "Dammit," he muttered. "We can't do this. I can't do this." His arms were on either side of her but he lowered his head, unable to look her in the face.

Y/N rolled her eyes. "Relax, I'm fine. Just... slow down a bit."

"I..." Bakugou felt his cheeks getting a bit warm and he turned to look at the wall. "I dunno if I can like... hold back. I dunno if I can be gentle," He said breathlessly, his eyes darting to her for a moment to gauge her reaction. "Not when you uh... look... like this."

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