Chapter 19 - Patrol

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On patrol that night with Deku, Bakugou was aching to test out his new gloves. He wanted so badly to come across a villain, a criminal, or someone he could use them on. His fingers twitched in excitement at the thought, and it seemed like Midoriya could tell. Bakugou hated being assigned to patrol with him, for obvious reasons.

"They look incredible, Kacchan," he complimented. "Y/N really outdid herself."

"I know that."

Midoriya looked up at the stars as they walked. "I wonder how long my gear will take. I hope it isn't too much on her."

"Your gear? She's making your shit too?"

"I think she's making something for everyone. That's what she told me, at least. She's been pretty swamped with work. I feel bad she doesn't have help." 

Bakugou's brow furrowed hearing that Y/N had worked with Midoriya. It wasn't a surprise, necessarily, but it still upset him to think that she was spending alone time with fucking Deku. "She can fucking handle it. She's not a child," he grumbled, his pace a bit more aggressive.

"I know that! It's just... I worry about her. She doesn't get a lot of sleep. She doesn't eat much, either. I think she's sacrificing herself too much for us." They turned a corner, and Bakugou scoffed.

"She doesn't need a damn babysitter." 

They walked for a while in silence, which Bakugou was grateful for, but it gave him time to think, and that was much less fun. It was becoming more and more apparent that Y/N was spread thin among too many people. Why was she pushing herself like this? What was she trying to prove?

Part of him was proud of Y/N for giving it her all, but another part of him--a possessive part of him-- felt sick at all of the things that happened that he knew nothing about. For all he knew, she could be in a relationship. She could have better friends, better peers, people like Hawks as a part of her history. He was beginning to realize that he knew next to nothing about her, and though he didn't want to admit it, he wanted that to change.

Suddenly, Deku's arm shot out to stop Bakugou from walking. "The hell? What are you--"

"Ssh!" Midoriya held a finger to his lips, sternly trying to quiet his partner. He pointed at the hospital across the street, which confused Bakugou further, until he heard the scuffling that Deku was referring to. Deku motioned to stay put and that he was going to take a look. Katsuki didn't like that plan, but let him go anyways, knowing that Midoriya was better with stealth. 

They approached the building and Bakugou stayed behind the corner as Deku went to investigate. Bakugou hated waiting. His hands itched for action, and the adrenaline was racing to his muscles. 


Bakugou raced around the corner and found Deku launching himself upward towards an open window of the hospital. Someone was breaking in. But why the hospital? 

Using his explosions as a boost, he jumped up to the window with his partner. He was shocked at his speed, looking down at his gloves and finding that the explosions were launching in a concentrated line, propelling him forward. How the fuck did Y/N do that?  The glove had adapted to what he was doing, giving him speed rather than power. He laughed in excitement before vaulting through the window after Deku, chasing him down the halls. 

He hadn't seen who they were chasing, but Midoriya seemed to be on his tail, so he followed suit. They were dodging night shift nurses, medical carts, and waiting room chairs, and they were gaining fast on the burglar. 

"DROP IT!" Deku demanded. A chill ran up Bakugou's spine hearing Midoriya yell like that. It was so rare to see him anything other than a sweet pushover. This was a new side of him. 

Katsuki finally got a glimpse of the man they were chasing and shot an explosion in his direction. The assailant tried to block it with his forearms, but the impact of the blast was too strong and he fell backwards. Deku lunged for him, his arm lighting up with his quirk. He grabbed his arms, pinning him the ground with a grunt, and yelled for his partner. "Kacchan! Take what he's holding!"

Bakugou did so, snatching the paper from him while Deku apprehended their guy. The nurses around them were gasping and crying in shock. "Call the police," Bakugou ordered. "Stop fucking standing around." They listened, hurrying off to safety to follow orders. 

His eyes scanned over the sheet. "It's a record of patients," he growled. "The fuck do you want with this, huh?" He put his foot on the man's back, who groaned at the pressure.

"Don't fucking touch me unless you wanna lose that pretty quirk of yours," The man spat, a violent look in his eye. "I can make it happen. Don't test me." The threat was angry and filled with a deep seeded hate. 

Bakugou bristled at the man's words. "The hell did you just say to me?"

"Kacchan, save it. We gotta get this guy to the police first," Deku said, cuffing the man underneath him. 

Bakugou whipped out his phone and dialed Y/N's number. Thank God, she picked up.

"Bakugou? What's up?"

"We got a guy who's saying he's gonna take our quirks. Know anything about this fucker?"

Y/N didn't respond, clearly processing what he was saying. "He... Jesus Christ. Is it... does he... does he have a face?"

"The fuck? Of course he does."

Y/N sighed with relief on the other end. "Um... okay. Where are you?"

"Hospital on 8th."

"I need to call someone. Stay put until the cops arrive, okay? Don't do anything stupid." The line went dead, and Bakugou felt like the call accomplished nothing. 


The police station had very few people inside compared to the day. It was usually a bustling building, but under the night sky it was hauntingly quiet. Only a couple of officers were there on their night shift. 

The police had successfully apprehended the criminal, who did not go quietly. He was spewing out threats left and right, his shrieks echoing down the hospital walls, leaving the nurses and patients shaken. They had asked Bakugou and Deku to come in to give statements.

The room they were in was unnaturally cold and the chairs were equally uncomfortable. It was putting Bakugou in a bad mood, but Deku, who sat next to him, was deep in thought. "How would he have taken our quirks away? What did he want with the patient registrar? This isn't making sense. Why did he--"

"Jesus, Deku, shut up," Bakugou growled. 

Just then, Y/N burst through the front doors. Her hair was puffed out around her face, clearly having recently been woken up. It must've been his phone call that woke her. She was wearing a sweatshirt and pajama pants, which would've been hilarious under different circumstances. Without realizing it, Bakugou was now standing up and walking to meet her. 

"What the hell are you doing here, Tinker--" But instead of responding, Y/N slammed into him with a choking hug, making his heart jump. He was unsure of what to do with his arms. Did he hug her back? It felt weird.

"Jesus, Kat, you scared the shit out of me." She let go of the hug, but gripped his arms as she looked up at him. "Are you guys good? No injuries?"

"We're fine, Y/N, calm the fuck down," he said, but didn't pull away from her grasp. Bakugou hadn't even realized, but All Might was behind her. 

"We're glad you're okay, but we need to fill you and young Midoriya in on some things," The retired hero said quietly. "Come with us."

Y/N let go of Bakugou, a slight flush in her cheeks, and turned to follow All Might. She gestured for Katsuki and Deku to follow. 

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