Chapter 33 - Nightmares

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It had been thirty minutes since they'd arrived at the campsite. Y/N and Kaminari still hadn't shown up. They'd pulled over a while back, and figuring they'd catch up quickly, they kept going without them. They were beginning to get worried, but then Kaminari sprang through the bushes. "Oh, thank god!" He cried. "Y/N, found it!"

Y/N followed through shortly after and the group sighed with relief. 

"Jesus, I was starting to worry," Mina gushed. "What took you assholes so long?"

"This guy wanted to stop to pee, but he was a pillow princess about it," Y/N grumbled.

"I'm not a caveman! I'm not gonna just pee off the side of the road!" Kaminari argued, offended.

Y/N scoffed. "YOU HAVE A DICK. Being able to pee outside easily is, like, the second best thing about it," she snapped. 

The class laughed at their argument, but Bakugou was just angry. Though he'd never say it, he'd been really worried--especially leaving her alone with Kaminari, the class flirt.

As the sun started setting, the gang made Bakugou cook them hotdogs on the shitty grill Kirishima had brought. Bakugou complained about it the whole time, but the food was as delicious as it always was with him. He was wearing the black tank top again. It was almost impossible not to look at his arms as he worked the grill. When he ran his hands through his hair Y/N almost choked on her damn hotdog.

"Jesus, Pinky, can't you go one damn party without busting out that disgusting shit?" Bakugou growled. Mina had whipped out a pack of beers and was passing them out. "It's terrible for you."

"I'm here for a good time, not a long time," Sero bragged, shotgunning his beer while Kirishima cheered him on. Even Deku and Uraraka were joining in.

Todoroki built a small fire at the center of their circle while Momo set up different tents. "Uraraka, are you and Midoriya going to be sharing?" She asked.

"Oooooh, Deku is gonna get some tonight!" Kaminari cackled, slapping Izuku on the back. Izuku was blushing so hard he matched the color of his scars. 

Jirou pulled Bluetooth speakers out of her bag and turned on some American rock songs while the group chatted.

"You like The Rolling Stones, huh?" Y/N asked, surprised. "I didn't know you were a fan of English music." 

Jirou shrugged. "I like good music. I don't really care about the origins." Kaminari watched her adjust her speakers with a small blush on his face. Y/N gestured for him to go talk to her, but he shook his head adamantly.

"Kaminari, what kind of music do you like?" She asked loudly, roping him into the conversation. He shot her an angry glare.

"Uh... I like Pink Floyd."

Jirou's head shot up. "Really? Which albums?" She asked excitedly.

Y/N walked away grinning, taking a seat by the fire to leave them to their chatting. Bakugou took a seat next to her without saying anything. Why was he nervous?

"Nice matchmaking. If we can't sleep because they're fucking too loud, that's on you," he grumbled, jabbing a marshmallow onto his stick and thrusting it directly into the fire. It burst into flames and he blew it out, putting it straight into his mouth without letting it cool down.

"Jesus Christ, you're gonna fuck up your mouth you demon," Y/N laughed. "Doesn't that hurt?"

"I'm not a pussy," he replied, making another marshmallow the exact same way. 

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