Chapter 62 - New Years Part IV

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CONTENT WARNING: SMUT, degrading, dirty talk, interruptions


"You-- that's--" Y/N stuttered.

"You gonna pretend you aren't into this when your panties were that wet? Nice try, Tinkerbell." Bakugou pushed her down flat on the bed with the palm of his hand, making her heart pound. He had a glint in his eye that she'd never seen before-- it was primal and dominating in a way that was different than how he usually was. It felt darker.

"What the hell was in that drink he gave you?" Y/N muttered. Her cheeks were dark from how he was looking at her but she couldn't turn away. It was addicting. He was devouring her with his eyes and she felt powerless... in the best way. "W-We can't, I don't know how drunk you are--"

"Are you stuttering? Want me so bad you can barely speak, huh?" He cocked his head to the side and grinned wickedly. "Fuckin' cute."

Y/N was having a very hard time not giving in. "Bakugou," She warned, but it was useless; his lips were already against her neck and working wonders against the sensitive skin. He was biting and nipping as his hands drifted across her body leaving sparks in his wake. "How much did you drink?"

Bakugou pulled back and glared at her impatiently before slipping his fingers under the skirt of her dress and running them up her thighs. "I'm fine, Y/N. Barely feel it after the water."

"I don't know if I believe you."

"It was like an hour ago. It's just a buzz now."

"That can't be true. You're like a different person." His hands were on her naked hips now and they were gripping her tightly. Jesus, he was being rough.

"Stop being dramatic," Bakugou grumbled. In one swift movement he yanked her to the edge of the mattress and grinned down at her. "You're practically quivering, Tinkerbell. Need my cock that bad?"

The words had Y/N seeing stars. How the hell was she supposed to resist him when he was acting like this? He was so outrageously bold and she would be lying if she said it didn't do things to her body that she couldn't control. She could already feel herself throbbing; this wasn't good.

He sensed her hesitation. "Jesus, Y/N. I didn't have that much. Trust me on this."

She turned away sheepishly but he grabbed her chin roughly and forced her to look at him again. "Do you want this?"

"I-- yes, I just... as long as you're not too drunk."

Bakugou scoffed. "A drunk man couldn't do what I'm about to do to you."

He leaned down on one elbow next to her and with the other arm reached underneath her dress again. His movements were so much rougher than what she was used to. Usually, Bakugou was desperate, but never this dominating.

He dragged his finger up her slit and made her yelp in surprise. "Keep it together, princess," He teased.

"Shut up," She retorted, but he responded by pushing his fingers past her folds and rubbing around her entrance. The friction and sensitivity was making her legs feel like jelly. He had already reduced her to a shaking mess and he'd barely gotten started.

His free hand moved to grab her throat. "Watch your mouth," He hissed, "Or I won't let you cum." Y/N choked out a small gasp at his words and pretended that it didn't make her eyes almost roll back into her skull. Okay, she really liked dominant Bakugou.

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